Revelation 21.4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away. St. John
What a gift that God Himself will do this for His people. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes – the very tears that He created us to shed. Death shall be no more; the limitlessness will take its place. Mourning over loss, crying, and disappointment will be gone. All of these things with which we are so familiar will simply be no more. What a gift. Death will be replaced with life and sin will be gone. Our eyes will be opened and for once we will finally see. I think we’ll realize what it means to be complete.
What moves me, when thinking about all this, is how much God values His children; that He would do all of that. Not every day is emotional for me. But some days are and when they are, they are rough. There is a release that takes place when emotions, having been pent up, are released. It seems to be a freeing of what needs to come out, and there is an accompanying peace…often; not always, but often. Our God understands the way we are made and what it takes to keep us from going stark raving nuts. God so values us and His valuation is complete.
I think too, I am moved that our God, my God wants to be with me. That is a hard thought in these days of tension and turmoil in the world and culture around me. However, that hard thinking about God’s delight in sharing in my life somehow brings me peace as well. He wants to be with me. He designed me to be with Him and one day He will do whatever it takes for me to be complete and free. No more tears. No more tangles.
I am moved today to rethink some things. All is not lost even though sometimes it sure feels that way. God is about the business of taking things away from me in order to replace those things with what is good and real, and true. He will do these things and I won’t know how, but I will know He did. What an amazing God who has said, he will be My son, and I, will be his God.
The world, as hard and brittle as it can be, seems somehow less daunting today. He will wipe away all of my tears and I will be finally complete. I will be as He always intended for me to be. And all I want to do is to be with Him forever.
God is with me in all I face, in all I experience. God is with me in my highs and lows and I needn’t look without for Him, but within. He has made my heart His home, and will arrange it as He intends it to be with all of my deepest desires and pleasures in mind. God will remove what has served a purpose for a time and will replace it with what I need for the eternal day.
No tears, no crying. No mourning, no pain. Amen.
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