Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Where I Sit


Luke 14.10 10 “But when you are invited, go and sit in the lowest place, so that when your host comes he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all who sit at table with you.” – Jesus (ESV)

I have a hard time putting my mind around what Jesus was saying to me. But this I know, it is better to be humble and lowly and present, than to be arrogant, haughty, and embarrassed. Humble and lowly always sounds safe to me. I tend toward safe – another conversation, another day.

In the midst of this I think I am called to maintain what we might refer to as proper balance. The balance is I must, as a child of God, never forget who I am and Whose I am. I am Abba’s child. And as Abba’s child I must always remember who my Father is when I’m in the midst of men. Abba’s child is never to be jockeying for position amidst men, but rather, to be representing the King of kings: Abba. When the radiance of the King shines from within it is going to bring light into the entire room regardless of where I’m seated.

The lowly seat is not to be despised. The high seat is to be respected for the shame it can bring: shame in one of two ways. First, the high seat may be already reserved for someone else. The shame would be getting ‘bumped’ from a high seat to another that isn’t so high. Second, the high seat wants to go to our head. The high seat appeals to our ego. The high seat conveys: I must be better than these others. The shame is in desiring the high seat.

Abba’s child says, I am who I am and I will represent my Father from whatever place is given to me. The issue is not my seat but on Whose behalf I am seated at all; lowly, humble, and present – representing my Dad.

It’s all in my perspective: how I see myself. If I focus on seats and position I’m already defeated. If I focus on my Daddy, I’m on mission for Him and glad to be in the company of men for His Kingdom, power, and glory… (again) regardless of where I sit.

Abba, You know I spend an awful lot of time thinking about seats. I tend to take the lowly seat not in humility, but in shame of who I am and what I think about seats – it’s just arrogance in reverse. Forgive me. May I remember today who I am and Whose I am – I am Yours and I am to live my life today in that reality. It isn’t about position, it’s about possession: knowing that I am Yours and You are mine. Amen.

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