Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Bigger Miracle


Acts 4.32 Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common. - Luke's narrative (ESV)

I don’t want your stuff – your stuff is your stuff. I want my own stuff. But when you and I are confronted with someone with no stuff then it’s up to us to act and to share – right? And it seems this was the case in Jerusalem those many years ago. That’s a miracle, that others would not consider anything their own and freely share with those who had not…

I’ve heard this discussed for many years as a believer and know of those who’ve lived in Christian communes where this was the practice. I don’t feel necessarily called to live that way, but some do.

I look at the modern church (at least the one that is modern to me; where I attend) and it seems before we go and pool all our resources that we strive for the bigger miracle: being of one heart and soul. Stuff is secondary to a group of people who operate in spiritual unity.

Most churches I’ve ever been a part of have had a ‘quack’ cluster of folks who’ve believed that the Acts then should be the Acts now; what was good for the early Church ought to be the mandate for the Church today. I don’t think we'll get too many to buy into that: what’s mine is yours, mentality; it’d seem un-American to most. But to have us buy into the one heart and soul – there’s promise there. It’s the bigger miracle.

And when the bigger miracle takes place, then stuff is up for grabs and the material needs of the needy are met. Right?

Lord Jesus, may I strive in Your Spirit to be of one heart and soul with those with whom I worship as we worship You. And may Your Spirit guide us together to be mindful of the needy and to care for them appropriately. Help me Lord to follow Your lead and to willingly be a part of what causes the enemy to fear greatly: the bigger miracle of Your people being of one heart and soul in following You. – Amen.

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