Colossians 2.6-7 6 So then, just as you received Christ
Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in
him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with
It appears the Church in the first century was as plagued
with conflicting philosophies and the usual mis, and dis-information as we are
today. Here on the planet, nothing really ever changes except the times and the
players. And man, as usual, has always been pretty darn good at coming up with
enslaving and useless systems in the name of religion. Sigh. We just don’t
A signal sentence in Colossians 2 seems to cut through
the crap (of the then times) of all
of man, and his incessant insistence of how we’re all supposed to live: BY THE
RULES!!! And here is what Paul said: So then, just as you received Christ (not
on your own) as Lord, continue to live your lives (not on your own) in Him. And
here’s how (not on your own): rooted and built up in Him; strengthened in the
faith as you were taught; and overflowing with thankfulness.
We cannot live on our own. We cannot live as an island
and combat all the crapola that comes at us because, frankly, some of it seems
to really make sense and sound pretty darn good.
Two nights ago I’m working at my (former) cashier’s job
at the local supermarket and I’m ringing up groceries and chatting with a
customer. It’s funny, I can’t walk and
chew gum at the same time, but I can be chatty and charming whilst helping a
customer. Well, in the midst of my charming chattiness, I forget to ring up
a ninety-nine cent loaf of bread, and as girls (who are pretty darn sharp I’ve
found) are wont to do, she tells me I’ve forgotten to charge her for the bread.
I ring up the bread I’ve forgotten and she says: I just don’t want to get ninety-nine cent karma. And I say to
myself: Oh, here’s another one that
believes in the superstitious power of what goes around, comes around.
Does that really work!? Seems many think it does. Competing
I can live my life according to the folksy wisdom that
surrounds me. I can live my life according to Ninety-Nine Cent karma. Or I can
live my life just as I received Christ, no on my own, but in Him rooted and
grounded and thankful and all that. Ninety-Nine Cent Karma sounds reasonable
but even so, who’s behind it? What’s behind it? And what’s wrong with just
being honest and forthright without fear of some karma-n, cosmic retribution: Oops! Ya done done it now, and now ya gots
ta pay…sorry suckah!
I am to live my life, not as the world turns, but as I
received Jesus Christ as my own: not on
my own. And I am to pay attention to Him as I live my life, not in my
strength, not in my wisdom, not on my own, but as He has called me to live: rooted
and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and
overflowing with thankfulness.
Lord Jesus, in the midst of the endless and conflicting
philosophies of the day, help me to live in You; not fearing karma, but simply
living honestly, humbly and holy. Thank You I am in You and not just flopping
around in the breeze somewhere else. Amen.
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