Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Differing Opinion


29.1 Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy. NIV

I could not help, as I read Proverbs 29 today, but to think about the United States in it’s current condition: “…when the wicked rule, the people groan.” Not everybody in government today is wicked but there is mounting evidence that many who are, are. And people groan. Ain’t a day goes by I don’t hear someone bellyaching about government. On the other hand, there ain’t a day goes by that I don’t hear someone bellyaching about getting their due from the hand of the government. Sigh. We don’t know what we want. (Actually, we want what we want when we want it; and we want it all, and we want it now… as long as we get our slice of the pie.)

So, I suppose what crossed my mind as I read Proverbs 29 and specifically focused on verse 1 is this: the Proverbs are not law; Proverbs are not Rule. The Proverbs are general statements about specific things; and kind of a generalized opinion (as it were) of how things tend to be. Whoever remains stiff-necked (obnoxiously, willfully, stubborn and unchanged) after many rebukes will suddenly be destroyed. (I think sometimes there are those around us that we wish destruction would come sooner than later…)

But experience tells us, that even though this statement is what it is, not everyone who remains stiff-necked gets it (whatever and whenever ‘it’ is). Now, in my pea-brain I ask, what does destroyed mean? Does that mean sudden judgment by God and the outpouring of His wrath? Or does that mean, some drops dead in their tracks? Or, does it mean they suddenly become ineffective and less of a nuisance in their stubbornness?

The ancients appeared to believe in payback. We moderns seem to believe karma sucks (a variant of payback). I think God believes in grace, but even God seems to realize: a sinkhole is a sinkhole. But one thing is for sure: those who choose to remain obnoxiously stubborn and resistant are going to have to give account for their choice at some point or other. And when they do it won’t be pleasant.

Our excuse these days is: well, it happens to some, but it won’t happen to me; not everyone who smokes cigarettes gets cancer. Yes, that is true. But overall, smoking isn’t really all that good for you. I don’t think there are many who would say, smoking has improved my life. The non(anti)-smokers in the crowd might voice a differing opinion. In the same way whether it is now or later, at some point we are going to have to account to God and tell Him why His way for us wasn’t satisfactory. He may have a differing opinion.

Whether I die sooner in stubbornness or die later, if I choose to remain willfully entrenched against God, it isn’t a smart move. But some will, and some do. Prayers can be lifted, but God will be God.

Father, if nothing else may I lead the parade of pray-ers for those around us who’ve hardened their hearts against You and against their fellow man that they would repent and turn from their agenda against You. Where sin abounds, so grace abounds all the more. O God! Be merciful. Amen.

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