Hebrews 7.25 25 Consequently, he is able to save to the
uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make
intercession for them. (ESV)
Years ago we lived in Spokane, Washington. We loved it
there. One had the feel of hustle and bustle of a big city, and yet Spokane
offered a homey-ness found in much smaller cities – at least that was our then impression of it.
At the time we lived in Spokane there was a car
dealership, in what the locals call ‘The Valley’ (a region of the area to the
east toward Post Falls and Coeur d’ Alene), which sold Infiniti cars. Their name was: Utter
Infiniti (the owner of the dealership was named, Utter.) I always chuckled
inside when I thought of them because I quickly said to myself: Wow! That’s a lot of Infiniti… (Har har!)
So, when I read Hebrews 7.25, I often think of Utter Infiniti because Jesus is
able to save to the uttermost those
who draw near to God through Him. It doesn’t matter where or how I am, or how
far I go, Jesus is able to save me to the uttermost. Utter infinity; He’s that good.
When Adam fell the fall wasn’t just a dust-up, it was a
disaster of the highest magnitude. It was worse than pooping on the Pope’s
throne; it was worse than a politician tweeting pictures of his anatomy. It was
cosmic in proportion, and many in the
heavenly realms shook their heads and said, “God goofed.” To say, “God goofed”
is to un-god God, and that is a
universally serious matter.
And yet, sadly many persist in thinking God is much less
than He is. They cannot believe in salvation or the need for it; and in their
mind, if there is such a thing as salvation, they don’t believe it could
possibly be or work for them. Such is the magnitude of man’s fall: he’s arrived
at the conclusion: God can’t help me.
That is a universally serious matter.
I suppose that’s one reason why we cannot simply
manufacture faith within ourselves. We can’t go to Safeway and just buy some.
To have faith requires belief and belief requires accepting God as He is: able to save to the uttermost those who come
to Him through Jesus Christ. What do we want: what we have or what He
offers? That is a universally serious question.
Today, I am not in the frame of mind to un-god God. I need
God and I need His Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ Whose advent I celebrate not
just this time of year, but all the time. I need saved to the uttermost because
I have flaws to the uttermost and I need a Savior who will go out of His way to
save me even to utter infinity. That’s just the way it is. He's that good!
And, I need to remember in the midst of my chronic and
persistent sins that not only does He save me to the uttermost, but He ever lives
to intercede for me… (I don’t know if that blows your fuses but it does mine:
Jesus praying and interceding for us!)
Thank You Jesus for Your uttermost salvation and for Your prayers – I need them today! Amen.
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