Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Dance is Over


Psalm 119.132 Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is your way with those who love your name. (ESV)

Well, here it is: the day after the Big Dance. The presents have all been opened, the dinner was cooked and consumed; the trash was taken out and the dog, bless her heart, got in a walk. I’m thinking about grace right now because I found grace in my reading this morning: Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is your way with those who love your name. God’s way is gracious to those who love His name. Grace, the Gift that keeps on giving!

I cut my finger pretty badly last night. David* is, today, in deep emotional turmoil over a relationship that seems to have gone sour and his relationship-ee lives in the one-bedroom apartment he shares with her. Freddie* is, this morning, in Ethiopia trying desperately to undo an adoption that has turned out to be a disaster for he and his wife and child. Christmas didn’t bring the peace and joy to some, and here it is the day after… the turmoil is back - or it never left...

Christmas isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. The sirens still went off. My friend Bart* is laying in bed in what appears to be the final hours of his fight with cancer. For Stan* my friend in central Oregon, his fight with ALS didn’t take Christmas Day off.

But then I read this, tucked away in the vast treasure that is Psalm 119: Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is your way with those who love your name. Really it’s me turning to Him to remember in the midst of all my comings and goings that He is indeed gracious to those who love His Name. Audrey May Mieir wrote: His Name is wonderful

Yes, the Big Dance is over and there are problems that still need to be resolved and fights that didn’t take a Silent Night, but He is indeed gracious to those who love His Name. In seven short days there will be a new year according to our calendars, but today, in the midst of what we all face and in the pre-dawn of what may be coming, it is His way to be gracious to those who love His Name. His way is to be gracious to us all.

In 1983 when I finally got it that He is gracious to those who love His Name, I believed. It finally clicked that His grace is for His own and His own love His Name. But He is still gracious to those who haven’t got there yet. He is actively working in the lives of people who don’t yet love His Name. That’s just Who He is. He is the Restorer of relationships. He is the Advocate for families with a wife and child who need an Advocate. He undoes our doings. He saves us. He is the Healer of diseases. He is our Home. He is our peace when a day off doesn’t bring a day off from the thing with which we struggle.

Today, O Father, now that the Big Dance is over, turn to me and be gracious to me, as is Your way with those who love Your name. Now that life goes back to what it was 24 hours ago, and the fight continues in our struggles, turn to us and be gracious to us, as is Your way with those who love Your Name. May these fights renew our resolve to bend the knee and give it all to You – it’s all Yours anyway.

*Real people, different names, but would ask you join me in a quick prayer for them…

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