Philippians 4.2 2 I entreat Euodia and I entreat Syntyche
to agree in the Lord. (ESV)
Apparently they didn’t agree. Not sure about what, but sure it was something, and it led them to not agree. Maybe it was heated – two hot-heads
butting heads over theology they didn’t understand but insisted they had to
protect. Maybe it was petty: God loves me more than you because you’re an
idiot! Who knows? But there is such a thing as competition in the church and
when personality gets mixed in with spirituality sometimes the sparks can fly.
I’m at breakfast this morning and my friend asks, “So,
with all this in mind (our conversation at the moment) how’re you going to live
today?” I thought about that and I realized part of it is to relax and remember
I can’t add to or take away from God's grace – I have all I have, and what more do I
need? And then I read about Euodia and Syntyche and thought: remember Who I’m
with and Who is with me. That’s how I’m going to try to live out my day today:
remembering that truth.
You see, it isn’t whether I remain focused on God or not.
I want to and try to but sometimes I simply lose focus and get caught up in
human life and all the baggage that comes with it. But God never loses sight of
me and never wanders off somewhere. I might have a complete meltdown (humanly
speaking) but God won’t, and God won’t take His eyes off of me, and won’t let go
of His grip on me. I only need remember, and if only fleetingly, that He is with me
and I am with Him no matter what else happens – it’s called grace; and grace
never stops regardless if I remember or not.
And Euodia and Syntyche needed “loyal Syzygus’s (Greek: true
yokefellow) help in that regard. Someone(s) in my life may need such help from
me and it might help if I remember today Who I’m with and Who is with me in
order to help them remember Who they’re with, and Who’s with them so they can
iron things out amicably. (Sysygus just sounds funny to me… jus’ sayin’.)
Lord, help me to remember today You are there and I’m
with You. May that remembrance guide and correct my thoughts, speech, and
actions; not that I gain points with You, but that I honor You in all I do this
day. I ask for Your help and I thank You I’m with You and You’re with me –
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