Thursday, June 20, 2013

Laughing Like a Little Kid


2 Kings 5.14 14 So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean. (ESV)

I love the story of Naaman! You have to read 2 Kings 5.1-13 to get the gist of it, but it is a wonderful story of a man who bumps into the power and presence of God. It is the story of repentance and obedience. It is the story of redemption.

Naaman was the commander of the army of the Syrians, a group unfriendly to Israel. They were, if you will, the empire next-door. When you abandon God like Israel did in those days, it’s no surprise to wake up one morning and find an unfriendly empire right next-door. So, Naaman was great and powerful and full of authority but he had leprosy. Leprosy in those days was a lot like AIDS is today, people didn’t understand it, and it was incurable.

For Naaman to get healed of leprosy would be a big, big deal. Not only would he be great and powerful and full of authority, but he would be relieved of the disgust and social stigma of his physical affliction. He’d score some chicks then! And all he had to do was obey – just obey.

Naaman was used to people bowing before him and he was used to the king’s favor, and his scorecard in battle was impressive. So, when he showed up at Elisha’s house and wasn’t even greeted by the great prophet and was told to go wash in the Jordan seven times, well let’s just say he was less than impressed. He was treated like the outsider he was in a foreign land by some big-shot, no-name preacher who wouldn’t even come to the door! What a ­­­­________! (You fill in the blank.)

But Naaman was talked into repenting by some loyal and trustworthy underlings who said, “My father, it is a great word the prophet has spoken to you; will you not do it? Has he actually said to you, ‘Wash, and be clean’?” You see, the underlings shared the disgust and social stigma of their leader. They wanted him clean and they wisely reasoned: Here’s your chance big-boy!

And when Naaman washed and came out of that water, he was clean. And not just clean but clean with the skin tone and health of a child’s skin! Wow! And his heart was changed because not even the formidable gods of his homeland could pull off results like that – and believe me, he tried! Like Taylor Swift sings: he threw his head back laughing like a little kid! Sheer joy!

God just wants me to believe and He wants me to believe without all of the fanfare my flesh demands. No, I’m not suffering from leprosy, but I do suffer with bouts of selfishness, small-ness, self-pity and all the other garbage associated with self-focus. God faithfully and graciously lets me read stories like Naaman’s and remember it isn’t about me – it’s about Him.

Father, help me again today to simply believe and obey in all I struggle against that is so un-important and non-essential. May my faith be renewed and washed clean today so I may in joy in Your presence throw my head back laughing like a happy little child who know his Dad is present and in charge and there’ll be no shortage or lack – just abundance, purpose, and meaning. Thanks for the reminder today. Pardon me for being such an idiot at times… Amen.

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