Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I Haven’t Left


Job 22.23 23 “If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored; if you remove unrighteousness far from your tent..." NASB

“Eliphaz” means, God is fine gold. Eliphaz is one of Job’s friends. Eliphaz is a wise person. Eliphaz means well but can’t shut his mouth. Eliphaz is convinced Job is being paid back for harboring some unknown evil in his life. Eliphaz is a guy and guys are good at coming up with solutions to problems that no one needs solved. Eliphaz told Job, “If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored; if you remove unrighteousness far from your tent..." I think Job looked at him and thought: you idiot!

Pet peeve time: I get peeved when people think they need to tell me what my problem is or what I need to do to fix a problem they think I’m having, that I’m not having… Sorry, I am normally a very teachable person, but I don’t need to be told how to fix an issue I’m not having. I appreciate your concern but would more appreciate your pulling your head out of the darkness and not jumping to conclusions to problems that don’t exist.

The more I read Job the more I realize that Job was just looking for someone – anyone – who would understand his problem: I didn’t do anything to deserve this except follow God! If this is what following God is all about then maybe I’m having second thoughts. But Job’s guy-friends are typical guys who jumped to conclusions and came alongside to fix Job, not necessarily to empathize with him.  We are so guarded and phony at times. We’re even guarded and phony when we try to show empathy! Damn, people! Ain’t anybody out there that understands!?

Well, yes Job there are but they, unfortunately, are few and far between. But what’s more important is what happens to us when everyone is trying to fix something in us that isn’t broken. These are some of the most trying times. “If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored; if you remove unrighteousness far from your tent..." What if I haven’t left?

God uses the most maddeningly bizarre circumstances (and people) to help us get it and brother, do we need to get it! I’m not sure what awaits us in heaven but I can guarantee God is using bizarre circumstances and people to prepare us for it… Ringo Starr (that great prophet of pop-culturedom) sang (a George Harrison song): Got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues, And you know it don't come easy.

Job was busy one day minding his own business when he found himself smack-dab in the middle of a situation pushing and shoving contest between God and the devil. Job didn’t ask for it; didn’t expect it; and wasn’t happy about it and he tried his dangedest to get somebody to understand. And all anyone wanted to do was give him solutions of how to fix himself…

I must be careful the next time I venture out onto the thin ice of trying to fix somebody. I must remember that I do need fixing and God is going to use bizarre people and circumstances in that process. God expects me to us my ears more than I use my mouth and to offer empathy to my fellow creatures who are struggling every bit as much – in their own way, over their own stuff – as I am… over mine. It’ not my job to fix you, but to come alongside and help in the way you need and to listen for God to instruct me in just what way that is…

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