Acts 1.2 2 until the day when He was taken up to heaven,
after He had by the Holy Spirit given orders to the apostles whom He had
chosen. NASB
On most Fridays I get together with Pat for breakfast at
one of the local eateries. We talk about life, family, politics, and mostly,
just practical living through our interaction with the Lord through our
experiences from the previous weeks. Each time we get together there seems to
be sort of a theme we end on – like, this too shall add to your testimony, or
living on the porch or near the fence or on the fence. I’ve decided to journal
each of our conclusional themes and look at them from time to time to remember
what we’ve talked about and to see where we’ve come from. Pat’s a good guy.
Today’s theme was “get busy livin’ or get busy dyin’”
quoting the character Red from the movie, The Shawshank Redemption.
Jesus walked with His chosen men for three years or so
and taught them to get busy living. There is so much to live for. And life can
be merely a process of coming to the end, or it can be a process of living each
day to the fullest. (I think we got there by talking about retirement and what
that means. Retirement to many seems to be being free to do whatever you want
for the rest of your life apart from the usual grind of the rest of life:
vocation, career, etc.)
But what I like about the statement in Acts is this:
Jesus gave orders to His apostles (His “sent ones”) by the Holy Spirit. In
essence, I think Jesus ordered them
to get busy livin’. There was so much to do, so many places to go, so many people
to meet; and a message to deliver: get going My friends, get busy livin’.
Or get busy dying. Who wants to do that? I don’t really
think anyone wants to get busy dying – intentionally; but I think a lot of
people do unintentionally. And I think a lot of people are busy dying. They haven’t
heard what the Risen Christ has ordered: get busy! (Living).
I forget – damn! I forget! I forget there is so much more
to life than my tiny little pond and the ripples therein. I forget there is a
whole world full of people who are too busy dying and need to change up their
perspective and get busy living. (Until this morning, I forgot Red delivered that line in the movie!) I
forget Jesus orders us (me) by the Holy Spirit to get busy with the Life that
He’s given. Get busy livin’ with all that
I’ve given! I forget.
And that’s one good reason I hang out with guys like
Patrick: he reminds me to get busy with what is important – yes, I still have those invitations to write…
My advice? My advice is to get busy living and if you’re
forgetful like me, find a Patrick, or a Sally, or a Tom, or a Megan, or whoever
it is who will sit with you long enough to get your mind off of your pathetic
little pond with its puny little ripples, and reconnect with the King of Glory
who orders His people by the Holy Spirit: Get movin’! Get busy livin’!
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