Judges 8:21“Come, do it yourself. ‘As is the man, so is his strength.’” NIV
The other night my pastor said, “Prayer is not getting ready for the battle; prayer is the battle!” That caught my attention because of the things happening in my life and in the lives of the people around me that I know – Elisa, Steve, Rob, Jesse, Mike – to name a few; as well as my wife and kids. The battle is fierce and the stakes are high and true warriors are supposed to be on their knees pushing through to the victory of God.
Keep that in mind.
In Judges 8, the Midianite kings, Sebah, and Zalmunna, said to Gideon at the moment of their execution, “Come, do it yourself. ‘As is the man, so is his strength.’” (v8). In other words, “Gideon, show yourself to be who you think and say you are!” And he did and those two died mercilessly.
In Psalm 42, the sons of Korah complained that men said all day long, “Where is your God!?” In other words, “What difference is God making in your life – who needs God!?”
In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul in pointing out the futility of the Corinthian’s argument about resurrection, quotes Isaiah 22 saying, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die.” In other words, “What’s the use?” And then he rebukes them quoting a saying they all knew, “Bad company corrupts good character.” Or, “be careful the influencers in your life.” And lastly he quotes Hosea, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (Hos. 13.14 NIV) In other words, “This all has a point to it, and God has the final say.”
There are sayings in life that encapsulate our world view and our understanding of God; of who is really in charge, and what’s really going on. Here’s one that really got my attention: Prayer is not getting ready for the battle; prayer is the battle.
Because of that, here’s one that I think I can apply to my life: Today, I pray!
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