Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Celebration of Togetherness


Deuteronomy 22:4 4 If you see your brother’s donkey or his ox fallen on the road, do not ignore it. Help him get it to its feet. NIV

Kindness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Kindness is the act of treating others well and with gentleness and concern. Kindness is brotherly affection shown to non-brothers. Kindness is stopping to help a person with a flat tire. Kindness is holding a door for someone. Kindness is allowing a mother with three little ones and a huge cart of groceries to go ahead of you in line at the store. Kindness is a necessary component to society – a society that doesn’t deserve it.

Kindness is the sacrificial gift of words, or deeds, or time. Kindness can be random. But the reward of kindness is never without its purpose – kindness says, “You mean something to me – even if I don’t know you.”

Kindness is vulnerability both to the giver and the receiver – especially if the two are unknown to each other. Kindness is the underscoring that says, we’re both in this together. Kindness is the celebration of that togetherness. Kindness is bothering to ask, “How can I help?” Kindness is not bothering to ask, but bothering to act: “Here, let me help you with that.”

Kindness is intentionally and habitually keeping an eye out for others – regardless of who they are – and being aware of their predicaments, hurts and needs. Kindness is taking the time to intercede on another’s behalf. Kindness is always being ready to help regardless of the agenda. Kindness is a precious jewel in the crown of human relationships… often small acts – big impacts.

Lord Jesus,
As You, Lord, were (and are) kind, so may that fruit be borne in me, that out of Your love for all of us, I would invest kindness every chance I get; and to do so in Your Name, amen.

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