Saturday, February 12, 2011

When in Rome


Leviticus 18:33 You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do in the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. Do not follow their practices. NIV

On the way, where you are from, and on the way to where you are going you must go in the care and culture of the Lord. Period. Do not do as they do. A popular adage says, “When in Rome do as the Romans do.” I’m not sure where we came up with that, but God says, don’t; because some of the things done in Rome are just plain wrong.

Egypt and Canaan must have be some wild places because from the reading here it appears having sex with whomever, or whatever, or whenever seemed to be acceptable. Sounds kinda like our society today – whatever… I find it interesting that in the decay of civilizations, sex is very often grossly abused. Nowadays even child-sex seems to be totally acceptable to some.

Humanity has a nasty habit of taking God’s gifts (sex being one of the supreme physical ones) and making a complete mockery of them. And from the reading today, it appears that in Egyptian and Canaanite culture it was no different. And sexual immorality and impurity are high up on the list of don’ts in the Scripture. But it seems the higher the don’t, the more the won’t when it comes to self-restraint and respect. As wonderful as the gift of sex is, it is not to be improperly used or abused.  Treating sex with proper respect honors the Lord who gave it – and the couple who partake of it according to His holy wishes. Many are the miseries among men for those who misuse sex and turn it into a fraud.

Father in Heaven,
Were I to say that I didn’t struggle in this area of my life – well, that just wouldn’t be true. I want to say though that despite the temptations I believe I have remained faithful to my wife and to You. But Lord it is an area of great misunderstanding and tremendous abuse, so I ask that You use me to set the example of godly restraint, and to help others who’ve struggled to not do as they do in Rome… I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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