Friday, February 25, 2011



Mark 4:22 22 For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. NIV

Oscar Wilde, the famous playwright, when arrested for his indecency with other men, is quoted as having said, “I forgot what was done in secret would then be shouted from the rooftops!” (cf. Luke 12.3). It’s usually with that mentality that I approach Jesus’ sayings about whatever is hidden will be disclosed and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. I usually equate that to bad behavior being found out. But in the context of Mark 4 Jesus seems to be saying that what is hidden in the Word is meant to be disclosed so that men will know how to live.

The key is the lamp (Mark 4.21); the lamp is used to disclose what is in the dark and to aide in the discovery of what is hidden. The Bible is a wonderful collection of works but without the illumination of the Holy Spirit and the practice of meditation and contemplation before God, it remains only a wonderful collection of confusing works. It requires more than man’s intellect to piece it together.

What appears hidden to us in God’s word is meant to be brought out and applied to life so that we may live in harmony with God and with our fellow men. God gave is this wonderful gift because He intended for us to read it and understand it through the Gift of His Spirit so that our lives would be transformed forever. The key is the Lamp and the expected action is that we men (and women) would spend time reading and humbly asking God to open our eyes to what is hidden and concealed in His truth.

Father in Heaven,
You know everything and there is nothing in heaven or on earth that is hidden from You. But You ask us men to read and study Your word so that what is hidden in it may be brought forth so that we can live correctly and relate to You rightly. That’s what I ask for – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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