Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So Much More


Luke 4:4 4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone.’” NIV

Our lives are multi-faceted; we wear many different hats and will, at the conclusion of life, probably have done many different things. There are many things we’ll need in life to thrive and survive not the least of which is the big Three: food, clothing, and shelter. But so much of life, whether we believe Jesus or not, is much more than food, clothing, and shelter. So Jesus’ point, that man does not live on bread alone, is true; but I know He meant more than what He said.

Bigger than the Big Three, is the Biggest One: Man needs God. In Matthew’s account Jesus said, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) So Jesus meant way more than He said.

Now, at the beginning of this year, I’m thinking about meaning and purpose; and not so much the meaning and purpose of life in general, but the meaning and purpose of my own life. Who am I and what am I to do? Yesterday on the phone with a friend, he said, “You guys are thriving in Baker City!” His words caught my attention not just because they were about me but because he perceived us as thriving, not just surviving. But even in our thriving God is so much more than the basics.

I don’t live on bread alone; there’s more to me than that – the same goes for everyone else: we weren’t created just to be consumers of food. And I cannot let the basics dictate to me how to live and where to find meaning and purpose; life is so much bigger than that. I do live to serve God and all that comes along with that. One of my biggest needs in life is to simply remember that.

Father in Heaven,
You’ve created me to serve You and to share the good news of Your love with others. I pray that on this normal Tuesday that I would see You in ways I haven’t before and ask that today be extraordinary in that sense – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

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