Friday, January 14, 2011

On The Other Foot


Genesis 34:30 30 Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi, “You have brought trouble on me by making me a stench to the Canaanites and Perizzites, the people living in this land. We are few in number, and if they join forces against me and attack me, I and my household will be destroyed.” NIV

There is some wisdom recorded here in Jacob’s words to Simeon and Levi: present actions often cause future reactions. We might say something like: Be careful of the things you do; beware the thoughtless leap; remembering that every day, there’s consequence you’ll reap. Simeon and Levi decided to take revenge without thinking about the future consequences of their zeal to honor their sister Dinah.

The actions of these two men had future repercussions that perpetuate to this day. Granted, they felt they needed to do something about the violation of their sister’s honor, but what they did seemed knee-jerk, and lingers to this day like a bad aftertaste. It’s apparent not all were on the same page…

Another thing we see is the proving of who Jacob really was, now that the shoe is on the other foot. Jacob, in this situation, was in the uncomfortable position of having to take responsibility for someone else’s actions, and I’m not real sure he was all that comfortable with it. The sins of the fathers are passed along to their children.

Last night I had a serious conversation with a thirteen-year-old in my family about not settling for less. I challenged him to find something to do (besides Spongebob, Family Guy, and video games), something to read besides nothing; and better ways to spend his time than all of the above. I assured him that if he needed help (i.e. if he couldn’t do this on his own) I would be glad to intervene. We’ll see – his future success is my present responsibility – at least for now.

Father in Heaven,
Today Lord, I need wisdom in helping my children find their way; and to guide one of them a little more closely than I have of recent. May my children find their zeal in You and may their lives be all You’ve created them to be. Lord, I feel I’ve dug a hole and need Your help to fill it back in; and I trust You for the answer – through Jesus Christ, amen.

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