Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is My Life?


James 4:14 14 yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. ESV

As I read James epistle this morning it occurred to me that his missive is a series of questions and answers. In other words, as he writes it seems he seems to be asking over and over, don’t you know? (And by his asking implying, you should know; and, if you don’t know, why not?) There are at least 22 questions in the little book of James.

The one that got my attention is this one in 4.14: What is your life? It made me stop and think, what is my life? If I was to stop today and have to give an account of my life what would I say? What are the things I would take credit for; and what are the things I would make excuses for? What is my life? Much of my life is the things I would make excuses for; missed opportunities; relationships I’ve let coast to a stop because I’ve moved on for whatever reason.

When I turned 50 I decided I wanted the second half (what a laugh silly boy, 50 is way past half!) of my life to account for something. I still want to make something of my life but now I realize that the only way that’s going to happen is by following close to God, tripping over His feet, so to speak. What is my life?

My life is boiling down to this: I am an offering to God. Yes, I have made many missteps and mistakes, but these days it’s only about hearing Him and obeying Him that matters. The battles of life and self still rage but the peace of God that passes all understanding still remains – and seems to be growing.

So, I offer myself to God for whatever He wants and accept that everything that happens to me in the space in between is ordained by Him for my learning and my good. What is my life? My life is an offering to God that His will be accomplished in me for the good of His Kingdom and for the sake of others…

Father God,
Turn me upside down and shake me until all the stuff comes out that gets in the way of what's important to You. (Please…) May it be so, amen.

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