Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Presence of Mind


Jude 3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. ESV

It seems like most Sundays (when I’m in church) I’m reminded of my need to contend for my faith. I know most days I am assaulted for my faith from without and within. I see from Jude’s writing that contending for our faith is nothing new.

Coming to Christ is a one time deal but it is an all the time action; we’re to come to the Lord initially for relationship, but we’re to keep coming to Him for life, safety, knowledge, and the ability to continue to contend for our faith. If James felt the need to say it to believers then, it is still appropriate for believers today.

I hate to say it, but there is nothing in our world presently that isn’t tainted by sin, brokenness, and fallenness. Everything we come into contact with has something wrong with it – the only Remedy is Jesus and we must be with Him regularly and routinely to keep ourselves unspotted from all that is around us that is spoiled, infected and contagious.

Being with Jesus however is not on again off again. Being with Jesus is striving with all that is in us to keep our thoughts, words, and deeds open and accountable to His ever-present presence. In this day and age if that’s not contending, I don’t know what is…

Lord Jesus,
Today, may it be with the presence of mind to recognize and celebrate Your presence in all I do, think and say. Help me Lord by the Holy Spirit to contend for the faith and to start by keeping my focus fixed upon You – I pray in Your Name, amen.

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