Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Hard Way


1 John 5:17 17 All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death. ESV

I’m not going to pretend that I understand completely what John is saying here – I don’t. But I think there is something to be learned – at least there is for me. In my mind sin is the act of demanding my own way and all the subsequent actions and attitudes that come from such a demand. It’s as old as Eden and the fall of Adam and Eve; they wanted their own way and got what they thought they wanted. I’m not sure of their repentance but I think they did, and I think we’ll see them in heaven – I think. I believe they saw the fruit of their actions and realized that having their own way was not what they really wanted.

All wrongdoing is sin; treading on people’s lives, living selfishly, demanding my preferences – these are a part of wrongdoing – but it isn’t the way to death. The way to death is settled unbelief. The only sin for which we cannot be forgiven is unbelief and there are those out there who live in, what I would call, settled (or resolute) unbelief. That is the way that leads to death; because it is the only way it can lead; it’s willful.

The good thing about sin (if there’s any redeeming value whatsoever) is that it sometimes tends to make us sorry for wanting our own way. Sometimes the thing (or things) we want so badly ends up being the thing (or things) we want to flee from. Sometimes the sorrow for our sin leads to us repentance having learned a painful lesson. Painful lessons leave their marks deep in our souls.

However – I don’t need to learn the hard way if I choose in Jesus to walk in the narrow way. All wrongdoing is sin but I don’t have to walk that way – I can walk in righteousness and self-control giving it all to the Lord and letting Him guide and control my life; He’s given me the freedom to choose not to sin; the choice is mine. I can sin out of ignorance and learn the lesson the hard way or I can listen to and learn from Him – the choice is mine.

Father in Heaven,
You always make a way out except for the one who refuses to take it. You put up with such stuff from me and yet in Your love You keep leading me to life and love me just as I am. Help me to be teachable and pliable in Your hands; help me to learn the lessons just by believing You and not having to learn the hard way. Thank You for Your love and for Your Spirit residing in me. Amen.

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