Jeremiah 45:5 5 And do you seek great things for yourself? Seek them not, for behold, I am bringing disaster upon all flesh, declares the Lord. But I will give you your life as a prize of war in all places to which you may go.” ESV
I’m okay with that – my life as a prize of war wherever I may go. War robs; it’s a colossal distraction, a terrible waste of money, and resources; causing unspeakable pain and mental toil on those who suffer from it. Sadly, it’s all about having control. We all crave the deadly drug of control.
Jeremiah’s words to Baruch are, this day I believe, words to me from God; I’m not to seek after great things in this world – I’m to seek God and all that He has for me. I’m to seek Him to garner peace, joy, love, and such as those. I’m to focus on heaven while attending to my ways here on earth. I see no times of great economic recovery, I see no times of our economy reviving. I see times of great loss and difficulty for us and our children and their children.
But I am not to seek great things for myself. I so want to solve the house mess we find ourselves in but that doesn’t seem to be happening and the Lord gently reminds me through this verse today that owning a house, or losing a house, is not the sum total of life (as we Americans would have it to be); but my life in Him is…as He would have it to be…
Father in Heaven,
Today Lord, I’m offering it all and piling it up high,
On Your altar where the flames send it up to the sky;
And into heaven’s gates surrounding Your throne;
Laying it all at Your feet, because You are God Alone.
My life in Christ is my prize wherever I go
And my comfort in life – that’s all I need know.
Your way is best no matter what I want to think.
You plans will cause me to float when my mind says I’ll sink.
Worry and fear are both familiar to me,
But I’ll kill them by faith going where You lead and I cannot see.
Help me in faith to set it all aflame
And to rest in Your providence for that is Your Name.
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