1 Corinthians 11:27 27 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of profaning the body and blood of the Lord. ESV
There's nothing magical about the Lord’s Supper; there's something mystical. There is a way to go about it all wrong, and then there is a way to go about it properly. The Lord’s Supper is like a play where everyone who participates has a part. There is meaning and purpose to the Lord’s Supper and I think what Paul was teaching them here was: be mindful of why you do what you do and do it for the right reason – or don’t do it at all.
The Lord’s Supper is an act of remembrance; and by it, or by participating in it, we remember what the Lord did for us in His supreme sacrifice for our lives. That’s why I say it isn’t magical but it is mystical. Jesus’ sacrifice is way bigger than most of us think on most occasions, and the participation in the Lord’s Supper is supposed to bring us back to reality (so to speak) as to why He did what He did and the subsequent benefit to those who believe in what He did.
For me, the Lord’s Supper is an act on my part that makes me pause from all of the non-essentials of life and helps me remember the Essential – that Jesus Christ bore my sins upon Himself and went to the cross to give His life to pay the penalty of my sins so that I can live free in Him and in right standing before God for the rest of my earthly life and for all eternity… For me, that’s worth doing in a worthy manner because His was a worthy act.
Father in Heaven,
Like the feasts You prescribed for the ancient Israelites, the Lord’s Supper is something we must do and do properly. Help me always to have the right attitude about it and to be careful lest I relegate it to ritual rather than reality…I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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