Galatians 5:24 24 “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” ESV
Have crucified, not will, not might, not ought – have; it’s a done deal. Today, I caught my flesh on several occasions trying to act as if nothing’s happened. I called it for what it was, my flesh; tomorrow I’ll call it for what it is: dead.
Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires because they know those passions and desires have no living place in the presence of Christ. Instead of calling them for what they are, we need to call them for what they are: crucified and powerless. The flesh doesn’t give up easily, but like pestilence or stray cats – cease to feed it and it will lose even more ground…
I must call it for what it is, dead. My flesh is dead and brings nothing to the table because each time I allow it, I call what is dead, alive and what is alive, dead. I know I’ll never win any battle if I allow my enemy to dictate the terms of engagement.
Father in Heaven,
Part of the deal is to call as dead what You call as dead. Help me in the battle for belief and help me to starve my dead passions so that they stay where they are – dead. I pray in the might of the Holy Spirit, amen.
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