Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Mind Made Up


Mark 3:28-30 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” ESV

The only sin for which there is no remedy is unbelief; an unbeliever cannot remain in unbelief and also find forgiveness; one completely negates the other – always. They, the Jewish religious rulers, had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” It would be one thing if the Romans said Jesus had an unclean spirit – but the Jews (who were supposed to know God) couldn’t even recognize God because He didn’t match up to their preconceived notions of who He was and what He did. They uttered this in unbelief (and the implication is, with a mind made up.) The sin of mankind: a mind made up that God isn’t who He says He is.

The lesson for me is to beware of preconceived notions and the blindness that often accompanies a mind made up. None of us has the corner on the market with God and all of us need Him more than we know. It is one thing to have sound doctrine and embrace it – it’s another to be superstitious, calling good evil because it doesn’t fit the mold I’ve predetermined it must…

Father in Heaven,
I have made up my mind that to know You is to hang out with You and I want to do that more and more. May the pattern of my life be to continually give over control of who I am and what I do to You, and to trust You to lead me to where I’m supposed to go. May I learn to love You more and love others more and help those who are unknowingly in unbelief that they somehow may turn by the Holy Spirit’s power and presence to belief – I pray in Jesus’ Name, because it means something! Amen.

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