Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lost in the Plain Print


Acts 13:27 27 “…For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.” ESV

It is possible to read the Bible and not get a thing out of it. It’s possible to read the Bible and get confused. It’s possible to read the Bible and see it as full of contradictions. It’s also possible to read the Bible and get to know the Lord of Glory.

The problem of those who lived in Jerusalem and their rulers was they couldn’t get to know God because the Bible (as it was then in the Law and the Prophets) didn’t make sense to them and fit into their preconceived notions of who God was and what He was up to. Theirs was a religion of race and nationalism not of grace, mercy, and compassion – and truth. So they didn’t recognize because they didn’t know and they didn’t know because they couldn’t recognize. The Bible can be a very dangerous book to those who chose not to know…

With God’s word comes great responsibility to hear and obey; that is for the Jew and the Gentile. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is [God] and rewards those who come to Him in faith. Part of faith is reading the Bible to know and recognize Him; but we must believe He is knowable through the exposure of Him in the Bible. And we must listen and we must obey.

My passion is to help those who will listen to get to know and recognize God through the reading of His word. I will live out my remaining days attempting to engage as many as I can in dialogue about the importance of the word (reading, obeying, and recognizing the Lord of Glory.)

Father in Heaven,
You have revealed Yourself to us in Your word and expect us to read and obey. You show us Your heart and how You think. I pray that You help me to know You more and more as I read and reflect on what is shown to me in the Bible. I pray for opportunities to help people know You and recognize You in what You’ve written and given to us. May I see the opportunities I have today and act upon them, I pray in Christ’s Name, amen.

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