Sunday, February 28, 2010

Regardless of Rebellion


Numbers 27:14 14 “…because you rebelled against my word in the wilderness of Zin when the congregation quarreled, failing to uphold me as holy at the waters before their eyes.” (These are the waters of Meribah of Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin.) ESV

To my knowledge, Moses never whined about not getting to enter the Promised Land. He may have had conversation with God about it, but Scripture honors Moses and his leadership by never showing any of that if there ever was any of that. Moses understood when and where he went wrong and accepted what God said to Him about it. Moses honored God by accepting the Lord’s decree.

There are and may be more things in my life that are simply not going to be because I’ve rebelled against God. It’s a fact. The encouragement is that I am not kicked out of the Kingdom and my salvation in Christ is intact – I’m just not going to do certain things because I’m bearing the penalty of my rebellion.

But that also doesn’t mean that I’m going to quit living for God. That doesn’t mean I’m going to quit looking for opportunities to serve and to share about His Kingdom and the true Promised Land of faith in Christ Jesus. I am His servant and will always be, regardless of where I am and what I’m called to do. The one thing I will do…is get better at seeking, hearing, and obeying – that’s always a win-win…

Father in Heaven,
Your servant Moses never whined – a sign of a great leader. You called the right man for the right purpose and according to You he did very well. Help me to do likewise that I may bring honor and glory to Your Name in whatever You call me to do and that I may rejoice with You in eternity as Moses does. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I Know Who You Are


Numbers 22:31-32 32 And the angel of the Lord said to him, “Why have you struck your donkey these three times? Behold, I have come out to oppose you because your way is perverse before me. ESV

2 Peter 2:15-16 says, “They have followed the way of Balaam, the son of Beor, who loved gain from wrongdoing, 16 but was rebuked for his own transgression; a speechless donkey spoke with human voice and restrained the prophet’s madness.” And Jude 11 says, “For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error and perished in Korah’s rebellion.” (ESV) Balaam was a bad dude with bad motives and bad intentions fueled by greed. His relationship with the Lord was phony at best and he was really driven by what he wanted – his story is as common to man as dandelions are to yards in the spring.

The difficulty of this passage in Numbers is that what we read doesn’t necessarily reveal all of the facets of the characters involved; but the bottom line is this: God knows the secrets and the motives of the heart – no matter what, and no matter whose.

My motives are known to the Lord and I can say things like, Father, lead me and guide me and help me to do Your will! And all the while fool myself into believing that He really can’t see what I’ve hidden in my heart. The evidence of that is when I say I surrender to God total control of my life and yet continue to make decisions to the contrary. God is not dumb, blind, or fooled…

The best practice for me is to use the energy that I expend to try to fool God to just be honest and admit my mistakes and my propensities and let the chips fall where they may from there. Then I don’t have to fight a losing battle and suffer the subsequent defeat in trying to outsmart God or, the worst of all, recreate Him into the god of my own making who’ll excuse my folly or wink at my sin.

Father God,
Your servant David wrote, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” (Ps 139:23-24) You knew his heart and You know mine – lead me in the way everlasting that You may be pleased with what You see – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, February 26, 2010

No Room For Fear


Mark 5:36 36 But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.” ESV

Okay, here’s the scene: your daughter is terminal and you know it and so you seek out God to have Him fix it, and when you get to the house (or the hospital) the coroner is already there and everyone is sadly shaking their heads – she’s gone. What do you think? What do you feel? She’s gone. Oh, my gosh! She’s gone!

But God says, “Don’t fear, only believe.” Believe what Lord, she’s gone! Do you know how hard it is to only believe when everything and everyone else is saying something else? That’s the problem with fear. Fear is like a big, fat, ugly, hairy smelly, ogre who tries to make himself at home on the sofa in the living room of your heart. He keeps telling you, It’s over, she’s gone and there’s nothing you can do; listen to the facts. Fact: fear is not God.

God says, don’t fear, only believe. He seems to be saying, don’t give fear a chance; don’t let the facts keep you from looking at Me. It was so hard for those parents that day; it’s often so hard for you and me today. But we must believe no matter how weird or difficult things get because God is God and He never changes. So we must make up our minds to only believe in God and not give way to fear.

Father in Heaven,
I haven’t had anyone close to me die for a while. I’m going to believe in You regardless. I know I fear other things and Lord, I repent and will fight fear for the rest of my days. I thank You that the little girl was saved and restored to her parents. I think of those who didn’t get that chance – but I’m going to believe in you anyway. Help me to be courageous and steadfast and to believe – I pray in Christ’s Name, amen.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

So That

Mk 4:12 12 “…so that “they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven.”” ESV

This is one of those statements that make me stop and think. Why doesn’t the Lord says, “Speak to them so that they may see and perceive and may indeed hear and understand so that they should turn and be forgiven.”? It seems as if He misspeaks. But He doesn’t.

At this point in the narrative, God has had a long and wearying relationship with these people and He has spoken to them over and over and over and they still didn't get it – their minds were dull, their hearts were hard, the eyes were dim and they’re deaf. But God never stopped speaking to them – they just quit listening.

God is saying, “Without Me you can’t hear, see, perceive or do anything!” And that’s the crux; they were attempting to do everything holy without Him.

Without God in my life; without living faith in Him, I’m no different. Why do I keep doing the dumb things I do? Maybe I do them because I don’t listen. Listening to God means making the effort to listen; not just go through the motions. Listening to God means active listening and active responding. Listening to God means believing that He has something to say to me; and believing requires the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit is only given to those He chooses. Belief is not cheap.

I didn’t do anything to deserve it, but He’s done it for me. I didn’t come seeking Him – He sought me. I didn’t want to become a Christian; but He gave me the gift of faith anyway. So that I could see and perceive and hear and understand; so that I could turn and be forgiven.” It was only with God then and it’s only with Him now.

Father in Heaven,
How the choosing, why the choosing – I haven’t a clue;
But that the choosing; Lord, that’s what You do.
You never intended I go it alone
And try to be holy and righteous all on my own.
You sent Your Spirit to come dwell in me;
So that I could hear and perceive and be eternally free.
This morning I pray for faith increasing
As I live and move in You with life never ceasing.
To do Your bidding in this world so bleak
That by faith others may hear You whenever You speak.

In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Mind Made Up


Mark 3:28-30 29 but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— 30 for they had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” ESV

The only sin for which there is no remedy is unbelief; an unbeliever cannot remain in unbelief and also find forgiveness; one completely negates the other – always. They, the Jewish religious rulers, had said, “He has an unclean spirit.” It would be one thing if the Romans said Jesus had an unclean spirit – but the Jews (who were supposed to know God) couldn’t even recognize God because He didn’t match up to their preconceived notions of who He was and what He did. They uttered this in unbelief (and the implication is, with a mind made up.) The sin of mankind: a mind made up that God isn’t who He says He is.

The lesson for me is to beware of preconceived notions and the blindness that often accompanies a mind made up. None of us has the corner on the market with God and all of us need Him more than we know. It is one thing to have sound doctrine and embrace it – it’s another to be superstitious, calling good evil because it doesn’t fit the mold I’ve predetermined it must…

Father in Heaven,
I have made up my mind that to know You is to hang out with You and I want to do that more and more. May the pattern of my life be to continually give over control of who I am and what I do to You, and to trust You to lead me to where I’m supposed to go. May I learn to love You more and love others more and help those who are unknowingly in unbelief that they somehow may turn by the Holy Spirit’s power and presence to belief – I pray in Jesus’ Name, because it means something! Amen.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Taking the Time for God


Mark 2:27 27 And he said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. ESV

Every time I read this I see difficulty. Every time I read this I see where they got off track. The Sabbath was made for man in love and with concern for His well-being. Man was not made to work non-stop physically or mentally; and he was not made to block God out at all cost. The Sabbath was made for man to help him, not hinder him.

Where they got off track was misunderstanding what God meant by rest and by keeping the Sabbath. They thought God said “Keep My rules! – That’s why I made you!” What God said (or His intent) was, “Hey guys, take at least a day a week and spend it with Me; but be serious about it – if it isn’t on your calendar, you won’t do it…”

Moses said in Psalm 90, “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” (V. 12, ESV) I think he was saying, “Lord, teach us what our days really mean and how few and limited they are, that we may spend them wisely getting to know You in the process.” The Sabbath and life were made for man for his enjoyment and for his enjoyment of God – not the other way around…

I will use my time more wisely and be cautious about the things that get in the way of spending time with God and with others. I want to read more but only so that I can know God better, love Him more and love others more; not so that I can just fill my head with more stuff; the Sabbath was made for man – not man for the Sabbath.

Father in Heaven,
You gave us time that we may use it to get to know You. Help me to be wiser about my use of time and my taking time to spend just with You. You made time for me, not me for time – I thank You – amen.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What Next Lord


Ps 27:4 4 One thing have I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple. ESV

It’s just one thing – not a whole list; not a bucket list, not a wish list – just one thing. One thing I will seek – not fame, fortune, or riches – just one thing.

In Luke 2, there is mentioned an Anna, daughter of Phanuel, who after the death of her husband in the seventh year of their marriage spent her days and nights worshiping in the temple with fasting and praying; she got the spirit of this Psalm. Her life boiled down to one thing she asked of God and sought Him for – dwelling with Him all the days of her life.

Today is a solemn reminder to me of what is to be on my list. Yes, I am to care for my family; yes, I am to go to work to help support us; yes I’m to serve in my church – but I am to seek the Lord for one thing only as I do: to dwell in His presence each day, gazing with the eyes of my soul upon Him in worship and inquiring of Him, “what next, Lord; what next?”

It’s not fantasy-land; it’s the acknowledgment of my weakness and His strength; it is the confession of my lack and His supply; of my simple-ness and His wisdom.

Father in Heaven,
You are always with me and never leave me or forsake me and because of that, one thing I ask of You, that will I seek after: that I may dwell in Your presence all day today, and all the rest of the days of my life; to gaze upon Your beauty and to inquire in Your presence, “What next Lord, what next?” I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Shaking Snakes


Acts 28:3-5 3 When Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them on the fire, a viper came out because of the heat and fastened on his hand. 4 When the native people saw the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another, “No doubt this man is a murderer. Though he has escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.” 5 He, however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm. ESV

I dunno about you, but some stupid snake attaches itself to my hand and I’m in a panic! Some stupid snake shows itself in my back yard, and I’m startled and then in a panic looking for my shovel to dispatch him, post-haste! Vipers are bad news – venom, poisons, toxins, death and such… Makes me think about Paul and what kind of man he was.

Paul wasn’t Fabio. Paul wasn’t Hulk Hogan. Paul wasn’t what we moderns might term a man. He didn’t have a killer career. He didn’t have a trophy wife and a mansion full of stuff. Paul would probably be laughed at today much like he was in the first century. But Paul was on a mission from God and bureaucrats like Festus and religious leaders like the Pharisees weren’t going to stop him. Neither were centurions or arrogant sailors. Floating around in the cold ocean wasn’t going to stop him and neither was a stupid snake. Paul, whatever we want to think about him, was a man of God on a mission from God and knew it. He wasn’t to be denied the accomplishment of that mission – because Paul trusted in God more than anything else, and Paul knew God wouldn’t be denied.

Do we know our mission? Do we trust God in the middle of situations that make us, or ought to make us panic? If God says we’re to do something, do we do it no matter what? If we don’t know our mission, should we? What do we do when a snake attaches itself to our hand? What does the watching world think? These are big thoughts for me and make me think. I hope they make you think too…

Father in Heaven,
You have spoken and may I know what to do, where, when, and how – and with whom. May I trust You like Paul did and obey You like he did and shake the snakes off into the fire with no ill effect like he did. There are folks all around me like the Maltans that need to hear about You – may I do as he did; I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

You Must

Acts 27:24 24 and he said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar. And behold, God has granted you all those who sail with you.’ ESV

Okay, the storm is howling, the ship is sinking and most everyone’s hope of survival is gone – and Paul says, “God told me ‘Do not be afraid... you must stand before Caesar. And behold, [I have] granted you all those who sail with you [deliverance].’’” These religious guys, where do they where do they come up with this stuff?

Paul was way more than religious and if you think about it, God was asking for (well, demanding) an audience with Caesar. God gets His way. If this Caesar was anything like the one portrayed in the movie, Gladiator, then he was a piece of work. It seems God was possibly giving him a chance to hear and repent.

So, Paul endured what he endured because he was on assignment from God and nothing was going to stop him from appearing before the Emperor of the then known world; not storms, not human decisions, not shipwreck; nothing.

I read this story and I realize that there is way more to where I am and what I’m doing – I’m on assignment from God. The difference is, I can waste time and lollygag or I can humble myself in front of God with all my current circumstances and pray, “Lord, Your will be accomplished!” God said to Paul, you must; why would it be any different for me right here in Baker City where I’ve tried repeatedly to escape?

Father in Heaven,
Your will be accomplished. Whoever it is I’m to appear before, Your will be accomplished. Whoever it is I’m to share the gospel with, Your will be accomplished. Regardless of storms, human decision, failures and whatever, Your will be accomplished in me and in the lives of those around me that You love and among whom You’ve placed me – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, February 19, 2010

True and Rational


Acts 26:25 25 But Paul said, “I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I am speaking true and rational words. ESV

I don’t think Festus had heard a true or rational word in his life – he was a Roman, a pagan, and a government bureaucrat; even Rome in its day had politi-speak.

The issue for many people is they’ve never heard true or rational words. They’ve heard the news, they’ve heard the culture; they’ve heard the musings of modern man, but they’ve never heard the truth. In fact they cannot. Truth and reason are strange and terrifying things because they don’t understand – so someone needs to tell them. But even then there must be the power of the Holy Spirit to break through the veil wrapped around their heart. Agrippa’s heart and conscience were touched; Festus’ wasn’t.

For me, this is a call to prayer that men and women around me – that I know, live among, work with, and intercede for – may have their hearts opened to hear and receive true and rational words from me or someone else, that they may be saved. Our modern world is growing increasingly untruthful and irrational and I must pray and encourage the fellow believers I know to do the same.

Father in Heaven,
You can open ears and enable people to hear truth and reason for the first time in their lives. I pray that You use me to pray for the ones I know and I pray for their ears to hear and their eyes to see that they may embrace You and be saved – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Numbers 4:49 49 According to the commandment of the Lord through Moses they were listed, each one with his task of serving or carrying. Thus they were listed by him, as the Lord commanded Moses. ESV

These days there is a show on TNT called Leverage starring some worn out actor whose character in the show is a sort of modern day Robin Hood. Apparently the title Leverage implies that whatever services are needed, are done by a carefully selected team of uniquely skilled people who work together to separate the evil rich guys from their money and give it back to the oppressed. Having never watched the show I can only guess; in my mind I’m thinking, The A-Team redux… although with no Mr. T…

In Numbers 4, God gives Moses specific instruction for the Levites and what their role is to be in guarding, keeping, setting up and tearing down of the tabernacle; and transporting it from place to place. This required leverage and a team of skilled operatives uniquely assigned working together to accomplish what God commanded…

Isn’t that what the church is all about? Isn’t She supposed to be a team of uniquely skilled operatives working together to carry out the will of God? Didn’t Paul say in 1 Corinthians 12, and Ephesians 4, To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good; for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ?

I am not designed nor gifted to go it alone; I am given what I have by the Holy Spirit in order to be listed …with my task of serving so that I can be leveraged with others in the Body of Christ in carrying out the will of God in the world.

Father God,
May Your will be accomplished in my life as I use the gifts You’ve given to leverage service and ministry with others for others in the Body of Christ and throughout the world in the sharing of the gospel – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who and What


Numbers 1:4-5a 4 And there shall be with you a man from each tribe, each man being the head of the house of his fathers. 5 And these are the names of the men who shall assist you.

Acts 24.27b And desiring to do the Jews a favor, Felix left Paul in prison. ESV

God called specific men to do a specific job – conduct the census of Israel. Notice God didn’t say, “Moses, go get twelve guys out of the crowd and have them help you and Aaron take this census!” God was specific and called each man by name so there wouldn’t be any mistake of who He called to do the counting and that the counts would be accurate.

And Felix (over in Acts 24) desiring to buy off the Jews, politically left Paul in prison.

Politics could’ve ruled when Moses took the census – there could’ve been bickering for a position, there could’ve been cooking the books; but God was specific about who and what, and Moses carried out His will.

Politics ruled in the time of Paul with the Romans continually trying to appease the Jews (who hated the Romans with a blood-thirsty passion.) My thought about politics: it is a hideous and deceitful way of governing and someone always gets hurt. Politics is the diabolically selfish business of deciding who will hurt me the least and who will help me the most as I strive to get what I want… There is no place for politics in God’s family but sadly, tragically, we do it because we see the short-term fruit of expedience in playing politics…

Because of the danger of politics I am motivated to hear God’s directives in dealing with people so that what He says to do gets done. That means seeking Him earnestly, listening to Him carefully, and doing what He says diligently so that what needs to get done does and no one gets hurt…

Father in Heaven,
You desire that I do what You say and only what You direct. It’s my desire to do that. I want to accomplish Your will and cooperate with You in the work of the Gospel right here in my little town. I ask for eyes to see and ears to hear and for effectiveness to do what You ask – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Neither Will I

Leviticus 26:44 44 Yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not spurn them, neither will I abhor them so as to destroy them utterly and break my covenant with them, for I am the Lord their God. ESV

It might get bent pretty bad, but it will never get broken. The Lord may discipline and chastise, but He doesn’t forget Who He is or what He’s said; they will remain His people forever; He will stand by His covenant regardless.

The list of blessings in Leviticus 26 is shorter but of far greater magnitude than the list of curses. The list of curses is long and severe but not too long or too severe to cause the Lord to give up on His promises. The Lord disciplines but He isn’t into retaliation against His own; the ungodly perhaps, but to His own – never.

This makes me think of the quality of my relationships. This makes me consider the standard for the child of God when it comes to devotion, loyalty, and longsuffering in relationships – if God doesn’t give up, should I? Life is too short to leave out forgiveness, reconciliation, and encouragement, let alone talking it over and talking it out.

I might live this way: Yet for all that, when he is in the land of his offense, I won’t give up on him or seek revenge in order to completely sever my friendship with him. I’ll remember why we became friends in the first place and the greatness of what we have in common in Christ – for I value him and I value friendship and forgiveness.

Lord God,
You never give up on me so why would I give up on others. Help me to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace; to be quick to forgive and to be full of grace always. May I live according to doing unto others as I would have them do unto me and do it all in the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ – in His Name, amen.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The God of My Own Making


Acts 22:22 22 Up to this word they listened to him. Then they raised their voices and said, “Away with such a fellow from the earth! For he should not be allowed to live.” ESV

Exclusivity, the driving force behind most religions; the Jews had taken this to a whole new level; their God was their God and He wasn’t going to help anyone who didn’t measure up to their standards! And they would make sure of that.

When God becomes something of our own making we are in serious trouble. The God of our own making is Someone we can tolerate and be comfortable with; He’s Someone we can control and keep in His place. He becomes the servant; we become the master. As a result we are totally cut off from [the True] God and don’t even realize it…

This passage speaks to me of human relationships and the necessity of the ministry of the Holy Spirit for in my heart for inclusivity; God’s offer is for everyone. But that means I must accept His heart for all people, and trust that He is working in the lives of everyone around me not matter how they appear to me or measure up to my standard. The great commandment is go into all the world, and preach the Gospel to everyone and make disciples teaching them to obey what He has commanded so that they in turn may do the same thing – everyone is included in that!

Father in Heaven,
You are God alone and You love everyone. That doesn’t mean You tolerate sin; it mans You seek to save the sinner. And sinners are according to Your measure, not mine. Help me to be inclusive in my presentation of Your truth and to live in accordance to who You really are, not who I want to make You out to be – I pray for the ministry of the Holy Spirit in my heart – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Gladly Exchange


Acts 21:13 “For I am ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus.”

Today, in places in this world, it is not uncommon for someone to zealously strap on some kind of explosive device, conceal it under their clothing, go into a crowd of people and detonate the device killing themselves and as many others as possible. They say things like, “I am willing to give myself to Allah for this…” Some call it fanaticism, they call it devotion.

The difference with Paul was he wasn’t going to harm anyone and was willing to lay his life down for the cause of Christ… “I’m ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die for the Name of the Lord Jesus.” All for the Name, he was willing.

In Philippians Paul said, “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Ph. 3.8) What was important to Paul was glorifying the Name. Paul knew what was important to his fellow man was hearing the Name, and he lived to share it no matter the personal cost to himself. He would gladly exchange his life or whatever personal freedoms he enjoyed to further the cause of Christ…

Does my devotion go that far? Will it? Am I willing to be imprisoned and even to die for the Name of the Lord Jesus? He was willing to die for me…

Father in Heaven,
You call me to be completely sold out to the cause as Paul was. Help me as I strive to free myself from the culture that holds me and help me to become as devoted as Paul; to do what is necessary regardless of the cost – I pray in the Name, amen.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Original Valentine

Leviticus 20:26 26 You shall be holy to me, for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be mine. ESV

Although I am a fool for chocolate, some of my favorite Valentine’s candy is the 'conversation' hearts. You know the ones, the kind of a chalky candy shaped like a heart with a two word message imprinted on it– like Be Mine.

In the last few days our reading through Leviticus seems to hover around the topic of being; specifically being holy. The world culture back then was as bad as it is now and God was urging His people to be different; to be holy. Holy is a word that loosely translates, other or different. God called and still calls His people to be different from the peoples around them; that is the distinctiveness that makes godliness attractive – it isn’t status quo.

The Valentine’s message is be minefind me attractive and let me be yoursalone. I think that’s what God was teaching and asking of His people – they’d never experienced a God like that before. And if there was anything they could do, it was this: “…be holy… for I the Lord am holy and have separated you from the peoples, that you should be Mine.”

Father in Heaven,
You are holy and wholly different. You still call Your people to be holy and wholly different from the culture around us. I ask today for an upgrade in my appreciation and experience of holiness, and pray that You use me to share the message of Difference with those around me; may I be used to show Your attractiveness – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Open Door

Acts 19:10 10 This continued for two years, so that all the residents of Asia heard the word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks. ESV

Paul started his own work, which way really God’s work, in the lecture hall of Tyrannus and continued for two years. He taught, according to the account, daily. How I admire and envy the freedom Paul had to do such a thing; he saw an open door and went for it! And as a result many people heard of what Paul was doing and heard what he was preaching and teaching.

These days I must look for the open door for two reasons: first to get out of the humdrum of western life, and second, to see the open door and go for it. The Lord afforded Paul the freedom to do this and Paul completely trusted the Lord to provide for him as he did.

Father in Heaven,
You paved the way for Paul and You are paving the way for me. I ask again, for the open door, and I ask again for the freedom to go through it. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What He Gave


Leviticus 17:11 11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life. ESV

I could’ve easily skipped the Old Testament reading today because first on the menu was the part about bodily discharges – I’m sorry, but that’s TMI for me. But it is the whole word of God and I am committed to read the entire thing – cover to cover – each year, bodily discharges and all.

But the narrative changes in chapter 17 and I read this part about life being in the blood. I know of no one who lives without their blood. It is vital (necessary) and it is vital (living). So God made a condition that was to be followed when it comes to blood and other than the fluid that is vital to life, it is also the fluid of atonement. To separate the blood from a creature and offer it to God for the cleansing of sin seems to be the way sin is atoned for. Therefore blood is not to be ingested for enjoyment; it is way too important for that.

I readily admit there are things in Scripture that are way over my head, and this is one of them. I’m not a Jew, I’ve never offered a sacrifice of an animal, and I didn’t live in Moses’ day. I’m sure there is way more to this than what my puny twenty-first century mind can handle – but I do know this: Someone gave His life – His blood – for me; that’s all I need to know. Someone poured out His life on the altar to make atonement for my soul and it was His blood that made atonement by the life. I accept that truth and accept His life given for me.

Father in Heaven,
Maybe it’s just the ramblings of a scrambled, mind but here’s what I think: Thank You for the cross, thank You for His life and thank You for His blood that made atonement for me; in His Name, amen.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Real Reason


Acts 17:27 27 “…that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us…” ESV

The Westminster Shorter Catechism asks, “What is the chief end of man?” In other words, what is man supposed to do? Is man placed upon the earth to do something productive and good or is he supposed to waste his time and be useless? What is man supposed to do?

Paul maintained (in Acts 17) that man is to seek God in the hope that he might feel his way toward God and find Him and be complete when he does. God placed man on the earth so that he could be fruitful, multiply and enjoy the earth all the while enjoying Him. God has always had a purpose for mankind.

I am, as a child of God, to seek Him this day and enjoy Him. I am to work, to relate, to pet the dog, to eat – whatever, all the while seeking the Lord and enjoying Him. To the one who doesn’t yet know God, He’s not far away; to the child of God He resides in the heart. So this day amid all the ebb and flow of life, my main purpose and goal is to seek God.

The Catechism answers the question: Man’ chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. I’ll seek Him, serve Him, and enjoy Him this day because for that reason I was made…

Father in Heaven,
You set Your child upon this earth to know You, serve You and enjoy You; and that, I will do this day. May I, like Paul, help others to know what their real purpose, that somehow they may come to know You, serve You, and enjoy You as well – in Christ’s Name, amen.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Go talk to Lydia

Acts 16:14 14 One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul. ESV

“Go talk to Lydia!” That’s what the Lord said. They were forbidden from going into Asia Minor; they were not allowed to go into Bithynia – “Go talk to Lydia!” So they concluded that God had called them to preach in Macedonia and made their way there…

I have reached a place in my belief where I cannot simply go on as usual; I must hear the word of the Lord in clarity that I may go talk to whoever it is He wants; not who I want. I must hear the voice of the Lord and do exactly as He instructs or I will remain frustrated for the rest of my days. What was wrong with going into Asia? “Go talk to Lydia!” Why not go into Bithynia? “Go talk to Lydia… because I have opened her heart to pay attention to what you’ll say!”

Here is my prayer today:

Father in Heaven,

Today Lord, I surrender total control of my life over to You; accepting that I am to listen to You, obey You, and trust You to direct every move I make. I give over my hopes, dreams, ambitions, pleasures, and preferences. I give over my frustrations, disappointments, and heartaches. I will listen for Your voice, and do only what You say. I pray for Your correction and discipline when I try to take the reins back. Help me, speak to me, and guide me I pray. For ‘Lydia’s’ sake, amen.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How Could You Be Thinking That?


Acts 15:39 39 And there arose a sharp disagreement, so that they separated from each other. Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus, ESV

What do you suppose the Holy Spirit was thinking when this argument happened between Paul and Barnabas? Both Paul and Barnabas were arguing, “How could you be thinking that!?” I’m glad Barnabas stood his ground.

This is one of those passages in the Bible that gives me pause; two very effective leaders approaching a sticky issue. Stuff happens. Even the most committed and passionate get stubborn. Even leaders get a burr under their saddle and chafe. Paul chafed over Mark’s leaving (Acts 13.13) and seemingly didn’t get over it. Barnabas, the compassionate, saw something in Mark and wanted to give the guy a second chance. It ended up that both Paul and Barnabas said to the other, “How could you be thinking that!?”

It appears time and a second chance softened Paul’s stance; in 2 Timothy 4 he writes, Get Mark and bring him with you, for he is very useful to me for ministry. (v 11). Mark may have had a shaky start but someone believed in him and God used Him – and Paul, who wanted nothing to do with a quitter, said he was very useful to his ministry. What do you suppose the Holy Spirit was thinking when he said this?

Father in Heaven,
You have no “B” team. You have servants who start and stumble but You never give up on them. You also have servants who are gifted to see potential and come alongside when necessary. Help me to be a Barnabas in my approach toward others and help me to see the majesty of the second chance. Thank You for giving me one (and another, and another, and another…). Your Kingdom come; Your will be done – in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Part of the Deal


Acts 14:22 22 …strengthening the souls of the disciples, encouraging them to continue in the faith, and saying that through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God. ESV

The apostles all knew that for one to enter the Kingdom of God it takes effort and comes with certain opposition. That’s just the way it is. The truth is offensive to many and is obtained only at a price. Paul and Barnabas were chased out of cities, cursed, criticized, harassed and stoned. The heart of man is dead set against the heart of God.

But one thing to remember – our job as believers is to strengthen the souls of those we know who are believers and to encourage them to continue in the faith. The other thing is to remind our hearers that tribulations are part of the deal. We in the west are fairly protected from intense persecution but I think our day is coming and fast.

So today is an opportunity to strengthen and encourage others who name the Name. Today is a day to remember that tough times are part and parcel of the deal and that the prize is still the Prize. I’ll use my time today to engage others in conversation about God and help them to remember that His way is the only way and hanging in there counts.

Father in Heaven,
You paid the Ultimate Price for our salvation so You are no stranger to the callousness, hard-heartedness, and hostility of men. Father, strengthen me to strengthen and encourage others and to remind them that we are in Your love and care – always! I love You – amen.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Lost in the Plain Print


Acts 13:27 27 “…For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.” ESV

It is possible to read the Bible and not get a thing out of it. It’s possible to read the Bible and get confused. It’s possible to read the Bible and see it as full of contradictions. It’s also possible to read the Bible and get to know the Lord of Glory.

The problem of those who lived in Jerusalem and their rulers was they couldn’t get to know God because the Bible (as it was then in the Law and the Prophets) didn’t make sense to them and fit into their preconceived notions of who God was and what He was up to. Theirs was a religion of race and nationalism not of grace, mercy, and compassion – and truth. So they didn’t recognize because they didn’t know and they didn’t know because they couldn’t recognize. The Bible can be a very dangerous book to those who chose not to know…

With God’s word comes great responsibility to hear and obey; that is for the Jew and the Gentile. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is [God] and rewards those who come to Him in faith. Part of faith is reading the Bible to know and recognize Him; but we must believe He is knowable through the exposure of Him in the Bible. And we must listen and we must obey.

My passion is to help those who will listen to get to know and recognize God through the reading of His word. I will live out my remaining days attempting to engage as many as I can in dialogue about the importance of the word (reading, obeying, and recognizing the Lord of Glory.)

Father in Heaven,
You have revealed Yourself to us in Your word and expect us to read and obey. You show us Your heart and how You think. I pray that You help me to know You more and more as I read and reflect on what is shown to me in the Bible. I pray for opportunities to help people know You and recognize You in what You’ve written and given to us. May I see the opportunities I have today and act upon them, I pray in Christ’s Name, amen.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Wrong Place Wrong Time


Acts 12:19 19 And after Herod searched for him and did not find him, he examined the sentries and ordered that they should be put to death. Then he went down from Judea to Caesarea and spent time there. ESV

I remember the story of the gangland shooting referred to as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. On February 14th, 1929 members of Al Capone’s gang in Chicago lined up seven members of Bugs Moran’s gang along a back wall of a backstreet garage in Chicago’s north side and gunned them down. One of the people killed was a man named John May, a case of wrong place wrong time. Although May had a criminal record, he was not a member of the Moran gang, and was ironically trying to support his wife and 7 kids legitimately as an auto mechanic for the gang.

When I read Acts 12, I always feel sort of sorry for the soldiers that Herod had executed because they were implicated in Peter’s escape from prison. They had no idea how Peter got loose and could not give the tetrarch a suitable excuse; so they all died – wrong place wrong time.

Each of us has the same amount of time in a day, in a week, in a month, in a year as we live out our days. The question is: where will we be on the day we die – the right place or the wrong place? Whose side will we be on, what place will we find ourselves? Will it be right time right place, or something else?

I will attempt, strive, purpose, intend, plan, strategize, determine, to be in the presence of God everyday. I will work an honest job, have meaningful relationships, and worship often at the Throne of Grace. That’s all I know to do. And I will trust in God – in Whose sight is the preciousness of the death of His saints (Psalm 116.15) – that I will be right where I’m supposed to be when that day, that hour, that moment, comes for me.

Father in Heaven,
You are my God and I entrust to You my living and even the moment of my death – right place right time – in Christ’s Name, amen.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who Am I


Acts 11:17 17 If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God’s way?” ESV

I keep asking the Lord for help to be a better person, a better servant and a better witness. I keep asking and then I keep acting stupidly. Peter asked a great question that day, who was I that I could stand in God’s way? I need to ask that question this morning before I head off to work and make a fool of myself again. I need to consider that question as I think about the people with whom I work and among whom I live. Who am I?

Who am I to act fleshly this day? Who am I to get defensive? Who am I to put on religious airs and be all phony? Who am I? Who am I to treat those I like one way and those I don’t another? Who am I to pout, to fuss, to carry on as if I’m the One who was nailed to the cross and bore it all – who am I?

My goal is to mature and let people be people and treat them the way I think Jesus would treat them. He let the religious have it; He rolled His eyes as He heard His men arguing – again – who was the greatest among them. He was gentle with the humble and harsh with the proud; but He was led by the Spirit, and I so desire that as well.

Father in Heaven,
Today again I ask to be filled with and led by Your Spirit that I make be effective as a person, a servant, and a witness. I am sorry for yesterday and I ask for a better today – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Conviction and Confession


Acts 10:46 46 For they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God. ESV

What happened was Peter preached the Gospel which resulted in conviction and confession. The Gentiles heard the truth of God and were convicted of their need and confessed the glory of God. How cool is that!?

The Jewish believers were amazed at what they witnessed – what was theirs became theirs – the Holy Spirit had come upon the Gentiles! This made their Jewish minds go whacky for a bit. But the miracle that took place was they came to understand that God loved everyone – even these uncircumcised Romans; for they were hearing them speaking in tongues and extolling God; and only believers could do that!

I must remember the power of the truth and not let my flesh occlude it. I must remember that God is still in the business of bringing conviction that leads to confession and I am employed in that process. Today, regardless of who I deal with or how I’m treated, I’m going to look for ways to bring God into the conversation and watch to see what happens. You never know, I might get to witness someone speaking in tongues and extolling God!

Father in Heaven,
You have called me and I surrender my entire life to You. I don’t care about possessions or position, all I care about is seeing the evidence of conviction through confession. Help me this day as I serve You – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Just Like Moses


Exodus 33.13 “Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people." ESV

In yesterday’s (2-1-10) reading, we saw that God tested Moses by offering to destroy the people and Moses – rightly and faithfully – declined the offer. My regard for Moses and his leadership soared. It doesn’t diminish at all today.

Today, another facet in the character of the friend of God – please show me now you ways, that I may know You in order to find favor in Your sight. Moses recognized he was God’s man carrying out God’s plan and he wanted to do it as rightly as he could. The man of God must know the plan of God in order to bridge the span of God.

I have made up my mind that this is the direction my life will go – please show me now Your ways, that I may know You in order to find favor in Your sight. I want to do what is right and effective and what will make a difference in the lives of others – the only way I can do that is to earnestly seek God and diligently learn His ways for me and faithfully do them. Just like Moses.

Father in Heaven,
You called Moses and he faithfully followed You. He could’ve remained in Egyptian royalty but he sought You and obeyed. He was the one You chose to bring Your people out and He asked for Your help to do it. I do too. I ask please show me Your ways, that I may know You in order to find favor in Your sight. I want to do what is good and right – in Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do Overs


Exodus 32.10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may burn hot against them and I may consume them, in order that I may make a great nation of you." ESV

This was a time of testing of Moses’ leadership. A lesser man might’ve taken God up on His offer – “Let’s just wipe them all out and start fresh with You!” How appealing that might be.

Ever had somebody at work just bug the crap out of you? Might be a supervisor or another worker – but you find you just can’t stand this person. Ever feel like the job would be more bearable if that person was gone; like life would be so much better if there was a hole where that person used to be? Revenge or retaliation might sound good but the bottom line is what is God teaching through this person and what should be the outcome?

I think God was testing Moses. I think God was offering Moses what we all want sometimes – just get rid of the mess and to start over with a clean slate. But while there are opportunities to ‘do-over’ I think God wants to see what we’ll do with what we have; so there are people and circumstances and situations that are designed to help us grow in grace, love, mercy, and patience.

When someone does wrong or does us wrong, what is our response – redemption and restoration – or just jettison the junk and move on with someone else? I believe Moses passed the test… I believe I am too whenever the opportunity presents itself to take it…

Father in Heaven,
You loved Your people despite their mistakes and missteps. The insulted You, rejected You, questioned You and doubted You, but You loved them and provided for them anyway. Help me to pass the tests and to stick with people when I want to toss them out and start over. Thank You that You didn’t do that with me – I give You praise in Jesus’ Name, amen.