Sunday, October 11, 2009

It Was Necessary


Luke 24:26 26 “Was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into His glory?” New American Standard Bible

What is necessary in life? Food, clothing, shelter? These things are necessary in living life upon this planet. There are other things necessary – things like physical exercise, wisdom, and love. Then there is the most necessary of all: the knowledge of God and relationship with Him.

God’s book seems to start out well but quickly goes sour – not the book, but the story, the His-story of the book. God chooses a man to begin with and from that man, comes a people who are also chosen by Him. But the people mostly reject God’s choosing and live mostly the way they want. But the good news is, God goes to extraordinary measures to win back His people... who basically reject Him; so God sends His Son to save them from themselves. But they reject Him as well… well, not all do. Some believe but can't understand why God's Son had to die on a wretched cross at the hands of evil men. Jesus said it was necessary.

Jesus had to suffer what He suffered not because He was incomplete but because without Him we are - eternally. We are only complete as creatures with God; apart from Him we are lacking. It was necessary because now a way is opened by God to have full relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, Who had to suffer to bring about the completion of all those who would believe.

I believe. I’m complete in Him and in Him, I’m going to stay.

Father in Heaven,
You set it up perfectly and made a way for everyone who believes to be saved from an eternity of incomplete-ness. It was necessary for the blood and the gore of the cross; it was necessary for the Christ to be rejected so that the door of salvation could be opened for all who put their faith in Him. Father, I am in that number and I give my life as a sacrifice to You because it was necessary for Jesus to suffer for me. Help me to live in step with My Lord and to serve Him only, I pray in His Name, amen.

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