Luke 14:26 26 “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. New American Standard Bible
Hate is the antithesis of love; hate is a very strong emotion of dislike. To hate is to loathe. Only One who is so truthful, loving, and righteous can make a hate-speech like that. To this day I cannot believe other than this: Jesus was not asking them to hate anyone, but to love Him more and to set very strict limits on their affections for their loved ones because He knew those affections could/would greatly retard their effectiveness in His Kingdom. Blood is thicker than water; the question is, whose blood is most important, His or theirs?
Where in this life is there such friction than in families? Where in this life is there such unreal expectation than in families? Where in this life is there such control and manipulation than in the family? Families are (or can be) micro-cultures with immense power and pride and abuse; many a seeker has shied away because of the fear of what the family will think or do. Jesus warns that the worst enemies a man can have as a disciple of His Kingdom are the members of his own family…
It is no wonder that Jesus asks for our love of family and even our love for our selves to be laid upon the altar and consumed by holy fire out of reverence and devotion to Him. He must take preeminence in our lives over all else and everyone else or there will always be loyalty issues…
Father in Heaven,
You have designed it that the best way to love family members is through the love of Christ and by a common mutual focus on His priorities and Lordship. May I carefully guard the effect of family but love them with the love You have for them and may my relationship with You be immovable in love, in Spirit and in truth – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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