Mark 8:17 17 And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you discuss the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet see or understand? Do you have a hardened heart? New American Standard Bible
It seems they missed the point; whoever was in charge of procuring the food, forgot to procure it. You’d think among twelve men, someone would have remembered to get food, c’mon; they’re men for crying out loud! It’s no wonder food dominated their thinking…
Jesus rebukes them, “Dudes! What’s all this concern about food? Don’t you know who I am; didn’t I just feed 9000 thousand with just a handful!? What is wrong with your hearts!?” I think you could've jack-hammered through the silence…
Sometimes my heart get’s pretty hard when I allow it. Somebody says something; I get a bill in the mail; circumstances get a little jiggy. I seem to turn my belief on and off like the disciples did. I think that insults my loving and caring God who has said, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you..."
In Christ I am called to live at a higher plane of living and experience with God – we all are. I am called to quote His word to my fickle unbelieving heart and to stand firm in my convictions of who He is and what He’s done – in my past, present and future - we all are. Do I have a hardened heart? Do you? Sometimes I do but it’s my job to fight it with all my might and to believe with every nth of my being. I’ll do that until I die and I choose to live in belief today.
Father in Heaven,
You do all things well – You take away my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. You help me and are teaching me to live at a higher place. Fill me with the Holy Spirit this day to follow hard after You and to resist the hardening of my heart – I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.