Romans 14.23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. NASB
If there is one word that describes the apostle Paul, it is massive. Paul was not a massive guy – history says he was scrawny, bowlegged, and balding . Paul himself says he was accused of being unimpressive and had a speech problem (cf. 2 Corinthians 10.10). But if nothing else, Paul was massive – and massively understood by many. It’s not that he couldn’t or didn’t proclaim the gospel – he did – he just said things that left most with their socks and their theological preconceived notions blown away! Paul’s theology, his insight and his understanding were nothing less than massive.
So massive in fact that I often miss it when he says something like, “…whatever is not from faith is sin.” Makes me want to take a closer look at my own life and see what it is I’m doing that’s not from faith. Maybe I ought to figure out what that might be and in faith stop doing it… The whole argument in Romans 14 is that we are to do what the Lord tells us to do and cut others some slack if they see thing differently. And whatever is not from faith – is sin; like judging people that they don’t see things my way and act the way I think they ought – hmmm.
Whatever is not from faith is sin. Oooo! Massive words, those!
Father in Heaven,
If Paul the Apostle was massive in his theology, insight, and understanding there is no measurement of You at all, for You are infinitely beyond that scrawny, bowlegged and balding servant of Yours who represented You so well, and had such a passion for Your truth. I ask for more of what he had and I’m not asking for just a little, I’m asking for the whole enchilada that I may make a difference in my world for Your Kingdom the way he did in his because he knew You, and he knew that whatever was not from faith, is sin – may I know that and live it, I pray in Jesus’ Name, amen.
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