Monday, June 29, 2009

The Filter of Purity


Titus 1:15 15 To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.
New American Standard Bible

Black and white, plain and simple; to the one whom God has purified through belief and association with Him is given the ‘filter’ purity with which to view and experience the world. So to that person is the ability to see that evil is purely evil and goodness is purely good – there is no mixture. But to the unbelieving there is no removal of defilement and everything is viewed and experienced through the ‘filter’ of error, confusion, uncertainty, fear and the like.

I look at this verse and remind myself of my need to read the Bible and apply its teachings to my life – in purity. My faith in God and my time spent in His truth help me in keeping the filter of purity clean as I make my journey through life. I need to read what God has to say everyday and I need to spent unhurried time alone with Him that I may maintain a level of faith that protects me and guides me as I trust in the Holy Spirit who leads me. To the pure, all things are pure…

Father in Heaven,
You blessing is the gift of purity and the ability to see the world as it is and not how I want it to be or think it ought to be. You have called me to walk not only in purity but to view the world in the clear view of what it is and what my purpose in You is as I live here. Help me this day to avoid anything that occludes my vision and my lead me toward unbelief. To the pure all things are pure – that is Your gift and that is my belief through Jesus Christ – in His Name, amen.

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