Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Acceptance


Matthew 19.12 12 “For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” – Jesus  

In the conversations in Matthew 19, there are questions and concerns by His listeners as to what Jesus was really saying. Some responded with nothing short of shock and awe (see verses: 7, 10, 17, 25, 27). I love that Jesus gave them answers, but like us, they weren’t always the ones they wanted to hear.  

Consider the Pharisees: they wanted justification for divorce and so they legalized it and, in their minds, legalization made it all better. Consider the disciples who saw rigidity in Jesus’ answer and wondered how anyone could make marriage work. (I sometimes wonder that myself 😊) 

Consider the rich man who gave lip-service to Jesus about goodness, and wanting in on the action of Heaven. He queried Jesus as to what he needed to do to get into heaven (eternal life), and Jesus told him to get rid of his money-god. He didn’t expect that. He went away shaking his head in disbelief. When Jesus pointed out how hard it was for a rich person to get into heaven, His disciples exclaimed: [Well crap!] Who then can be saved!? 

Consider Peter then challenging Jesus and demanding: “We have left everything to follow you! What then will there be for us?” Good question Pete: what then will there be for us? That’s always the question with men: WIIFM radio (What’s in it for me?) 

God doesn’t play by our rules. I know that is hard for some, but it’s true. Jesus said: [Some] eunuchs [are] born that way, [no say in the matter] and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others [no power to withstand]—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs [even though they aren’t] for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it. Accept or don’t accept; it’s what’s in the heart that matters. 

We humans, are temporary seeking, temporary seeing, and temporary thinking. Long term is something we don’t do well. We’re more concerned with what God is going to take from us, that we don’t want to give up; or where He’s going to send us, that we don’t want to go. With God is it all about a life, not a moment. And with God we live in the moment, not for the moment. 

If I choose to be a eunuch (as a way of life that does without) then that is my choice. If I choose a life that does without, and do so for God, then that is my choice. God won’t take anything from me that I don’t see the benefit of giving up. Nor will God force me to go somewhere I’m not willing to go. BUT! Life will make those demands, because I cannot control what happens to me. And when the unexpected makes its demands, I’m left with either: me, all by myself; or God, with me in Him. My choice. 

Lord, my life isn’t up to me to make, control, or to have on my own. I mean, I can, but when I do it’s just me, and all that comes with that. Or, I can have this life with You, the way You’ve designed it, and all that comes with it. Jesus said only those who can accept it, should. Father God, I do! Amen

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