Ephesians 5.4 4 Nor
should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of
place, but rather thanksgiving.
Rather than
focusing on a don’t, St. Paul helps us here to focus on a “do”. I’m not trying
to make a case for obscenity, foolish talk, or coarse joking, but I will make a
case for thanksgiving; giving God thanks, for all He does, has done, and will
What I think Paul is focusing on here, is our nurturing
the unnatural habit of thanking God for all things (1 Thessalonians 5.18) until
the habit becomes supernatural. A good way to change a bad attitude is to thank
God. And keep thanking Him until my attitude changes.
Recently, I have had two situations occur for which I
have felt less than thankful. In both, with tears of anger and frustration, I
have had to thank God for His power, presence, and providence until my anger
and tears subsided. It’s the only way it works. God is not unaware of the
things that bum us out.
What happens in those moments is the development of that
which is unearthly moving me heavenly
in my perspective. You and I, must develop a natural reflex of thankfulness to
keep us from playing the blame-game, or worse: doubting God’s promises, and
presence. We are not in this alone.
I think, too, Paul is attempting to teach us the proper
use of positive energy and right living. Obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse
joking are all fruit from the same tree: pride.
I do get a little colorful in my anger. I need to quit giving myself that much
credit. I am learning in my golf-game to try to tame my anger; I am not good
enough to get angry over my lack of skill…
We are to release that which is good in our lives rather
than continually underscoring our poor assessment of who we think we are – we are
only good because of God. Period. So, let’s learn to release that which He has
put into us so that the world may be a better place, because of us. Thankfulness
is key.
We can use the good things in our lives (because of God)
to make the moments we have here on earth better for others. When we endeavor
to make life better for others, I think we’ll find life better for ourselves.
It isn’t to deny the things that happen – stuff happens; but it is to learn how
to include God in all of our living, so that we develop a healthy sense of Him in
all of our mission and focus: His Kingdom and presence in all of our days.
Proverbs 3.5-6 urges: Trust
in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all
your way acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. That, in my
opinion, is a place of thanksgiving. In: all
of my ways, the good, the bad, and the ugly, my acknowledging God – His presence,
power, and promises –being thankful that He loves me and cares for me.
Father in Heaven,
You have ordered all of my days and have invited me to allow You to be present
in all I do and experience. There really isn’t a need for me to be obscene,
coarse, or foolish – those things are natural. The is a call for me to be
thankful in all things and that, Lord, is unnatural – or better, supernatural.
Help me to walk in that way through all of my days – amen.
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