Thursday, October 27, 2016

Graciously Granted


Acts 27.23-24 23 Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me 24 and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ – St. Paul

In the swirling chaos of a storm at sea; a fairly small vessel, and the fear and trepidation that gripped them all, Paul got a visit from an angel. It wasn’t his first rodeo; nor, do I think it was his last. God had a mission for Paul and used a series of difficult events for him to testify of the Good News before the greatest figure in the then-known world: Caesar.

Like Pharaoh centuries before, God wanted to get His message across to a world ruler: trust Me, obey Me, and all will go well with you. World leaders at times are smart and clever, but they, despite their worldly power and influence, are only human with all the subsequent weaknesses thereof.

Paul’s journey to Rome began sometime in his ministry out on the road, and in Acts 19.21 he said, “I must visit Rome also.” Later in Acts 23, God said: “Take courage! As you have testified about Me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” So between the two, God and Paul, the strategy was to get Paul to Rome, the center of the then-known world. God’s love for people and Paul’s willingness to obey got Paul to Rome to share the Gospel. And to Rome, despite treachery and nature, Paul went…

The angel on the ship was interesting because: a) no one else, to our knowledge, got an angelic visitation, and b) the angel reassured Paul that God had graciously granted them survival in the storm. God, in His heavenly governance of the universe, had His eye on a small ship out in the Mediterranean Sea with 276 people aboard. And in His governance, God granted life for all. Some were granted life only to face execution, and others were granted life to follow the path God lad laid out for them. But all were graciously granted life to face whatever awaited them.

I think sometimes we overlook the God who graciously allows us to face trying times and difficult circumstances. I think sometime we think God is too big and too busy to stop and peek into our tiny little lives and graciously grant us much of anything at all. But in the midst of His Heavenly, and Universal governance, God is keenly aware of who we are, where we are, and what we’re facing; and He grants graciously for us to face whatever comes next.

On the whiteboard in my office are the letters WASWGWD. They stand for, Wait and See What God Will Do. God is graciously granting life to me and I am to wait (not panic) and see (through eyes of faith) what God (has graciously granted) will do (as I face what I face, and whatever comes next). I’ve yet (to my knowledge) to have an angel stop by to encourage me, but the letters on the whiteboard are there to encourage me to keep on keeping on in this life that God has graciously granted that I have. In His governance of all He governs, I am included. I pray for a doosie…

Father in Heaven, thank You that I am included in all You do. Thank You that You’ve graciously granted for me to partake in all You’ve planned for me. And thank You that I am graced to face what comes next. I yield myself to You; and in the midst of my storms, I trust You. Today, I am waiting. Amen

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