Monday, August 29, 2016

The Victory


Revelation 3.5 The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. I will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before my Father and his angels. – Jesus

In the addresses to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 we find the word, victorious numerous times (7 times to be specific). As I read Revelation 3 this morning the word gonged in my mind.

Victorious-ness, or victory is a theme found throughout Scripture. There is a recurring reminder that victory is to be sought in the life of one who chooses to align him/herself with God. I would ask: victory over what, and victory to what? When we are saved (however that plays out in the life of the believer) we are saved both  from something and to something. Otherwise, what is the point?

Jesus addressed the seven churches and reminded them that victory was both necessary and possible in the life of a believer. Victory over sin (we may not be where we want to be but we are nowhere near what we were…). Victory over unbelief. Victory with self-control. Victory in walking with the Lord in humility and dependence. And Jesus said, to the one who does, He will…

Now, Jesus also said, by ourselves (on our own, apart from Him) we can do nothing (John 15). That means nothing of value in the battle against sin, self, and Satan. But with Him, we can do all things. That means there is victory with Jesus in the daily battles of life where we continually discard worldliness and embrace heavenliness.

Victorious-ness is not a production mentality but a life lived with Jesus no matter the circumstances surrounding us. It’s the mentality of: I’d rather go through this with Jesus than apart from Him on my own. And the reward for such a mentality? Life with God that will never end.

To the one who is victorious there is great reward.

Today, I think about my life and where I think I stand. I think I stand in victory, but I think I need improvement. We all do. The victory I embrace is simply the daily returning to Christ in my heart, mind, soul, and strength. It is the effort of trying to include Him in everything I do. The more I do that when there is no wind (of life and its subsequent turmoils) the more prepared I am wen there is…

I live in a culture of people who don’t embrace victory. To them the word is old-fashioned and not very important. I get that. But I also get that there is more to life than what we offer up (as a culture) and call life. It’s what goes on in the heart. It’s learning how to bring God into everything I am and do that I may experience His presence and power in all of it. That, to me, is victory. Old-fashioned or not, that’s what I want.

Father, the promise is: The one who is victorious will, like them, be dressed in white. Jesus will never blot out the name of that person from the book of life, but will acknowledge that name before You, our Father and your angels. May it be Lord. Amen

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