John 4. 50 Jesus
said to him, “Go; your son will live.” The man believed the word that Jesus
spoke to him and went on his way. – St. John
In John’s Gospel, the word, word occurs 35 times. It
either appears as word, or as words. It begins with this simple statement: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1.1) So, right off the bat we
have the understanding of the importance of the word, word.
And it’s not just John who points out the importance of
the word, word. The Bible Itself begins with: “And God said…” God, in the
beginning, said… God spoke the world
into existence. And the war of words has been fought ever since.
I thought about voice and speech this morning as I read: “Go; your son will live” [and] the man
believed the word[s] that Jesus spoke to him and went on his way. I thought
about how many times on the planet words are spoken. I thought about the origin
of words – where they come from. And I thought about the importance of words –
what they mean, what they represent. Oh,
and the child lived.
I can’t explain words, as I use them in written form, to
express the thoughts I think I have about them. A chemical reaction (I suppose)
happens in the brain which causes another chemical reaction to cause the lungs
to expel air which passes over the larynx and pass over the tongue and the lips
and a word is voiced. Then, the word is then received by the use of sound waves
and bounces off those mysteriously shaped things called, ears; to capture the
sound into the auditory canal which is then sensed by the auditory nerves
within, and is received and interpreted in the brain by the use of more
chemicals and the word is then understood (or not). That’s a lot of chemicals
and air and brain function and physical function and understanding (or
That doesn’t fully define language or expression. That
doesn’t include body language or other means of expression or communication.
Think about how many times a day your own brain engages your body and out comes
words for others to hear and understand (or misunderstand). I thought about the
number of words. And I thought about numbers – how big is the biggest number?
(It’s always one more than the last biggest and one less that the next biggest…)
And I thought: is it just sound that’s important, or is the meaning and heart, or intention
behind the words that which means something? Is it Who that speaks, or what is spoken, which is important? And why is Jesus referred to as The Word; and why is that important?
I can’t answer all those questions in this blog. I can’t
answer all of the what’s, why’s, how’s, and all that to meet everyone else’s
satisfaction. But I can express this: Whatever God says is worth listening to
and applying to one’s life and mode of behavior. The word, Word is important;
and we hearers of the word, ought to be doers, of said word watching in utter amazement
as the world in which we live is changed for the better right before our eyes.
Words are important but God’s Word is worth living by – He’s speaking to each
one of us right now, asking us to live the way He intends we live.
God spoke and it came to be; should we, His children, expect anything less?
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