Sunday, November 29, 2015



2 Thessalonians 1.3-4 3 We ought always to give thanks to God for you, brothers, as is right, because your faith is growing abundantly, and the love of every one of you for one another is increasing. 4 Therefore we ourselves boast about you in the churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and in the afflictions that you are enduring. – St. Paul

Did the Thessalonians always do it perfect; as a church? No. Were there issues in Thessalonica that plagued them as there is in every other church of God on the planet; then and now? Yes. But what was special about this church? Paul, the apostle, boasted about them to other churches. Who boasts about your or my church? And why?

Is it because our faith is growing abundantly and the love of every one of us for one another is increasing? That would be a church worth boasting about. Are our churches steadfast and faithful? Are we facing persecutions and afflictions? Are we enduring? Why would anyone boast about us?

I have been part of large and small churches in my years as a believer. I can think of a couple churches I’d boast about, and I can think of a couple churches that I’d probably advise staying away from. To boast about a gathering of believers is a high honor. Can you think of a couple of churches in your experience that you’d boast about? And can you offer reasons as to why?

Does every church always do it perfectly? No. Are there issues in the churches you’ve been a part of? Probably. Can you boast about your present church and can you offer some reasons as to why you’re boasting? I know many who boast glowingly about the church they are from.

I boast about our kid’s ministry and the Christian Academy in my church. I think we do a pretty good job with each. I’d invite your kids to be a part of each. I serve on Wednesday nights as we gather our kids for what we call, Royal Rangers. I’d boast about that!

Boasting is a high honor, a high calling, and something that has to do with something. Why else boast? Would others recommend your church or my church, and why would they do that? There are, I think, a million externals that might be considered boastworthy. But are they boastworthy in the sense of Kingdom, discipleship, generosity, faithfulness, and love? These are among the high calling of the church – yours and mine, and theirs.

Lord, You know everything. You know that we are all human, fallen, and faulty. You know that the best churches are the ones that exemplify Your heart and Your Kingdom. I pray that mine and their’s exemplify boastworthyness. I pray that You find us faithful and steadfast. I pray that our love for one another attract those who feel short on love. I pray that in our midst Your Spirit is present and ministering and that the hearts and lives of people are changing eternally. Thank You for the Church. Thank You that it is the way You’ve planned it and the way it should be – amen.

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