Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Proper View


Job 16.7 Surely now God has worn me out; he has made desolate all my company. – Job

One day, calamity struck Job. All of what he held precious was taken from him and he became very ill in the process. Job was utterly befuddled by the things that happened to him and he became very frustrated because he couldn’t figure it out. And like many, because he couldn’t figure it out, he blamed God; that’s all he knew to do. He came to the place in his mind where God had become his Enemy.

As fearfully and wonderfully as we are made, we still have great limitations. We know just enough, most of the time, to make ourselves dangerous. Job was not unlike us. He thought he had life all figured out, and he actually lived a righteous life. He took care of the poor, he was blessed with abundance, and he humbly came before God. So, when disaster struck, he could only come to the conclusion that somehow he’d been unfairly treated. Sounds familiar…

That happens to us – we hit a difficult stretch and the next thing we know, we’re walking around thinking we’re being punished for something we didn’t do; our attitude is: I was framed! I’m innocent! I think we lose sight of who we are and who God is. Difficulties will either tend to draw us closer to God or drive us further away. And the longer the difficulties last, the more confused we get. We’ll ask, God! What did I do!? What is the reason for my being treated this way!? It’s hard to take it when He answers: Nothing, My child. Trust Me, I love you!

Difficulties, trials, and testing do wear us out. We don’t like it and we think – or are tempted to think: somehow, I’ve lost the favor of God. I think in those difficult moments or seasons, we tend to forget who God is, and whose we are. We like sun-shiny days and calm waters. So, when storm clouds gather and the wind picks up, we forget who God is, and Whose we are. God’s love for us never changes and never diminishes, even at our worst. He is faithful to complete the work He’s begun in us (Philippians 1.6)

Tough times are divinely designed and dispensed to help me to grow. I’d like to think I can do it all on my own, but I need to be stretched, I need to be tested; I need to deal with difficult things that are beyond my ability to control. I need to see my faith at work. My life cannot be successfully growing if there are no days in which I have to struggle against the wind. Tough times are there to help me see how I really view God.

I must be careful in all of life to keep things in perspective: I must maintain a proper view of myself and my view of God. Job really struggled in his view of both – I’m sure I do the same. And perhaps in his defense, as Job said, I don’t deserve this, maybe there was some truth to it. But deserve it or not, God loved him and used the calamity around him to grow Job to a greater understanding of who he was and Whose he was – God never does a thing without our growth in mind.

Today, I’m to remain humble and remember that no matter what, God loves and cares for me and He is able to complete that which He’s begun in me for His greatness and glory that together, we may spend eternity as trusted friends.

Father, what must be done, must be done. You are completely in control and I submit to You. Complete Your work in me for Jesus’ sake. May I have the proper view of You, and of me in the midst of all You do… amen.

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