Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Reality of Belief


Philippians 1.13 “…so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ.” – St. Paul (ESV)

It’s probably not a big deal – I mean why it’s important to know that the whole imperial guard knew why Paul was there and the reason for his imprisonment; you know, the whole gospel thing… Why would we care that a bunch of Roman soldiers knew about Paul and his plight; and, that he preached a gospel of salvation, redemption, and an eternity of living in the presence of God?

I’ve wondered about the term, gung-ho, it describes someone who is passionate about their cause. I think those Roman guards were gung-ho about their cause – their very lives depended on it. One slip in passion could cost one his position, pay, perks, and life – his gung and his ho. They didn’t call them the Imperial Guard for nothing.

Being in the Imperial Guard then, was probably something akin to being in the Secret Service now; not everyone makes the cut. A Secret Serviceman must put his life on the line for the safety and protection of another. His politics don’t matter. His preferences don’t matter. What matters is his life as a shield for another; perhaps someone he doesn’t care for, or about. And these guards knew Paul who put his life on the line for his Cause. And he told them about it.

I pray for the release of Saeed Abedini. Saeed is an American pastor imprisoned in Iran for his crime of believing in Jesus. Saeed put his life on the line for the Cause. And I believe with all that is in me that when he is able, Saeed is telling others about salvation, redemption, and an eternity of living in the presence of God. I think the whole stinking Iranian prison knows about him. I think hearts and lives are being impacted for the Gospel: the good news of that reality.

I want my life to count for Jesus and for my beliefs. It doesn’t matter that I am not in a prison; it does matter that I am surrounded by others who may be…the prisons of their own making. I want my life to be a reflection of the reality of my belief in the gospel of salvation, redemption, and an eternity of living in the presence of God. I want others to know whether they are the Imperial Guard or my family, or my friends, or my fellow workers, or my neighbors or whoever.

The great apostle said this: Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel… (Philippians 1.27) In other words, put your life on the line today that others may see the evidence of the reality of your belief.

Father, may it be so this day – amen!

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