Wednesday, December 17, 2014



2 Peter 1.13-15 13 I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder, 14 since I know that the putting off of my body will be soon, as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me. 15 And I will make every effort so that after my departure you may be able at any time to recall these things. – St. Peter to those who have obtained a faith… (ESV)

In Peter’s words here I hear echoes of Jesus and echoes of Paul. And I hear the present of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the disciples the Holy Spirit would bring to mind the things He had told them. And Paul said that as long as he was in the body he would struggle and strive to share the gospel. Peter wanted to remind his followers to cling to what they knew and had been told.

Today, as I reflect on these thoughts and words and Scriptures, I realize how much I need to be reminded of how to live, what to think, and how to represent Christ in this increasingly difficult world we currently call, home.

I tend to go inward. I tend to think it’s all about me. I tend to think I’m the only one who’s ever faced such things. But I forget how wrong I am in such thinking. I am not on this earth to dwell upon myself, but to dwell within Him who has saved me…from my-self. I need to be reminded of what has been done on my behalf so that I don’t have to dwell in the realm of selfishness.

Because of my tendencies I need to be regularly reminded of what life is all about so that, truly, I can keep the Main thing the main thing. I believe there is a word in Scripture that reminds me: Lift up your eyes your redemption draws near (Luke 21.28). And Peter says, So, dude, with all this in mind, what sort of person ought you to be? Certainly not one who dwells amidst the swells of his experience.

I read a brief devotional this morning which closed with these words: Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly…and leave the rest up to God. I needed to be reminded of that today. I needed, through Peter’s words, to be reminded, that I need to be reminded. I don’t know what it is about daily living with all of its ups and downs, but I needed to be reminded that my life’s solutions, while not found in people, need to include the people among whom God has placed me and I need to live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest up to God. I need to be reminded that it’s all about Him.

Father in Heaven, thank You for the reminders today that it’s not about me because You have me covered. Thank You that You’re all about living simply, loving generously, caring deeply, and speaking kindly. You know that when I focus on these things I quit dwelling on me and begin to notice others whose struggles wear them down as well. Father, I leave the rest up to You only asking: help me to remember what it is I’m to truly do and leave the rest up to truly You. Amen.

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