Saturday, April 26, 2014

Weeds and Seeds


Matthew 13.10 10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” (NIV)

This is one of those statements in the Scripture that gets my attention: “Why do you speak to the people in parables?” Jesus answered: This is why I speak to them in parables: “Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. (V. 13)

I always thought of this as punitive: though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear understand. I’ve just realized how poorly I view truth at times. Jesus came to them, not to beat them over the head, but to free them and to love them and to help them. Jesus is the same way to you and me – because though seeing we do not see; though hearing we don’t hear or understand. I know I’m this way.

Parables were not Jesus’ attempt to hide things but to reveal them. When we try to get someone to understand something we’re saying and they don’t seem to get it we analogize in an attempt to help them understand. We say things like: It’s like this… And then we use a word picture or analogy to describe what we mean. Sometimes them even go: Oh! I get it!

The people in Jesus’ day were really in the dark – they were like mushrooms: fed crap and kept in the dark. ( J ) Their religion and their religious leaders had led them away from the truth and the heart of God. They were all so caught up in performance and rewards that they lost sight of God and Jesus used examples of weeds, seeds, properties and pearls; and fishing nets, to help them see what God was really like: as believable and accessible as normal, natural stuff.

I am sorry for my misunderstanding of these things and having taught them out of a heart of Pharisaism: you have what you have because you’re too stupid to get it, and the only way I can get you to get it, is to use parables to club you to death! How wrong! How mean! How cruel!

I needed today’s reading to help me reset my thinking about the love and goodness of God. I needed to see what lengths Jesus went to, to help people see just how believable and accessible God really is – even to me, one who has held His actions in a poor light and completely opposed to His righteous and loving intent.

Lord, today it isn’t the parables but the fact that You said it real slow so they could get it. And even then, they really struggled. I really struggle. Thank You for the parables and for taking what I have held to this point as mystery, away. It wasn’t mysterious – it was Your loving attempt to help the people You loved and cared for to get it, and live up to their true potential in You. You’ve helped me today. Thanks. Help me from now on to interact with others by understanding that we’re all broken and needy and we’ll only be helped by You; and You are infinitely able and willing to help – what a Gift! Amen.

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