Sunday, March 23, 2014

Girls Who Do Need Jesus Too


1 Corinthians 8.7 7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that when they eat sacrificial food they think of it as having been sacrificed to a god, and since their conscience is weak, it is defiled. (NIV)

Paul began this portion of his letter by declaring: But knowledge puffs up while love builds up. (V. 1) In other words, what we know may be good, but the way we use what we know may be detrimental to others if we don’t use what we know without considering that others will draw conclusions about what we know by what we do with what we know.

Paul quotes: “We all possess knowledge.” And that is true, we do. But we all don’t apply knowledge the same way when it comes to disputable matters; like smoking, chewing; and going with girls who have no problem in their doing. To some in Paul’s day, eating the meat sacrificed to a god was no big deal – but to others, it was tantamount to sacrificing the meat themselves. To the one who couldn’t get past eating the tainted meat, their conscience told them they would be tainted by eating such meat. Some smoke. Some chew. And some go with girls who do.

Where Paul wanted the Corinthians to avoid hurting someone was in how they approached eating the sacrificed meat in the restaurants that sold it and being seen by someone who couldn’t mentally get past what had been done to the meat having been sacrificed to some god. Paul wanted them to be wise and to be careful in how they did it so as not to hurt someone.

That’s why I don’t offer you a beer at my house. I don’t want to rock your boat. What does it matter? What’s wrong with beer?

What’s wrong with beer is what my drinking it may do to someone else’s conscience; and the Bible (at least in this part, written by Paul, and inspired by God) says: don’t shipwreck someone else’s faith over something you think is no big deal but to that person is tantamount to being terrible. Be considerate of those around you. My consideration in disputable matters is not just how I am judged but also how my God is judged.

God doesn’t need me to defend Him. He’s a big God and can take care of Himself. But God knows how we humans are and how we think; and He knows that going with girls who do will, for the dumbest reasons of fear, suspicion, and superstition, render my faith ineffective. It’s not Him. It’s not my faith in Him. It’s what I do with what I know and some are just not going to accept being with girls that do; even though in reality, those girls need Jesus too…

In the brotherhood of believers I’m to be considerate of what I know and what I do with what I know. Paul said, “So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.”  (Acts 24.16)

Father God, help me to be considerate of what I do and say so that in disputable matters I don’t foolishly by my use of knowledge, rock the boat and be the source of someone else’s discomfort or shipwreck someone else’s faith. The choice is mine, but may I be wise in You – Amen. 

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