Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Addition and Subtraction


Revelation 22.18-19 18 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. (ESV)

There are many who say, God didn’t say that! There are also those who say, What God really meant was this! I think the warning John gave at the end of his revelation is simply: Be very careful to take God at His word; don’t add to it and don’t subtract from it.

I read the Bible every day. I read through the Bible every year. I started doing this in February, 2002 as a staff-member of a church for whom I worked. In those days we (I did this with other staff members) called our daily reading, S.O.A.P.: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. It worked this way:

Each year we would follow an agreed upon Bible Reading Plan which took us through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice. Each day we read the selected passages for the day and then journal about it according to what Scripture verse (or verses) stood out to us, what we Observed in the verse(s); how it Applied to us (individually); and a Prayer of commitment (or confession) to God about it. That was just the beginning.

I have continued to use the SOAP method in my Bible reading since then. I’ve also learned to read the Bible with a keener eye because (to me) it sometimes says things that fly in the face of conventional thinking. The above is one of those times.

Just because I SOAP, I’m not at liberty to bend the word of God any way I want. I’m not to add to it, nor am I to subtract from it. John specifically said what he said about what he wrote in his revelation; we’re not to add or subtract from it. But the principle relates to all of Scripture as well. It is a dangerous thing to add or subtract to what God says. That’s why we’re to spend our lives reading all of His word and asking Him to teach us from it. Our lives are the whole package and God’s word is too.

The Bible is the most important document in the universe. And so, we humans should spend our lives reading it, observing it, applying it, and praying about it. Life on earth would be better if everyone sat down with God and had a conversation with Him every day. In those daily conversations we’ll find ways to live life better as we pass from here to eternity. Not everyone believes that, but the ones who don’t ought to see a difference in the lives of those who do.

Father, help me and the people I know, and the ones I don’t, to give attention to the MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENT IN THE UNIVERSE. May we learn to see what You say, observe it, apply it, and talk to You about it. May we be careful to keep the conversations within the boundaries You’ve laid out for us, and learn from You. Thank You for Your word and despite the innumerable times we’ve all messed with it, You still get Your point across: to love You and to love others. It really is that simple. May I walk in Your way today. Amen

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