Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pretty Sure is Pretty Simple


James 1.26-27 26 If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. 27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. (ESV)

I’m pretty sure this is pretty simple: to visit orphans and widows in the affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world…

I’m pretty sure we complicate our relationship with God and His church beyond this. A pastor friend of mine complains: can’t we just do church!? The gist of which: why does church-life have to be so complicated? Why do there have to be so many meetings, agendas, and stuff that goes beyond simple: religion that is pure and undefiled in caring for the hopeless and helpless in their affliction and keeping one’s self unstained from the world?

We’ve complicated things because for the most part Church ceasing being about people and became about institution. Caring has ceased being personal and has become corporate…for the most part. One-on-one discipleship is few and far between.

A great indicator of what we’ve become these days is what is in our hearts – and what comes out of our mouths: if anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. The overflow of the heart is the source of what is on the tongue. James’ instructions to us I’m pretty sure are pretty simple: bridle our tongue, and take care of the hopeless (widows) and the helpless (orphans).

Our gatherings should be more about what we’re doing to keep it simple, and less about what we’re doing to uphold the institution. Simple religion is simply staying focused on God and caring for the needs of those who can’t care for themselves.

Well, Paul, what about Christian Education? What about healing the sick? What about benevolence and payroll? Build a school, charge tuition, pay the teachers; open a hospital and hire doctors and nurses but don’t forget to pray prayers for the sick, (and according to James, those prayers offered in faith will make the sick ones well); but keep what fits in the mold of godly care as godly care and let the other things be done to bring glory to the Name of God.

Simple Church is not what we think it is: it isn’t American and it isn’t democratic – it’s keeping the focus where it needs to be and making sure the ones who need cared for are cared for – pretty sure this is pretty simple…

Father, move upon Your people to remember what this is all about: You, and others. It isn’t about buildings (although they’re nice); it isn’t about payrolls (although a serving pastor ought to be paid); it’s about the hopeless and the helpless and keeping our hearts pure. Help us to do that. Help me to do that. And may we return to what I’m pretty sure is pretty simple… Amen.

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