Sunday, March 24, 2013

What You Are Called to Do


1 Corinthians 9.12b Nevertheless, we have not made use of this right, but we endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ. (ESV)

Paul’s defense is he doesn't make his living from preaching the gospel. He has every right to but he doesn't  He could but he won’t. Paul’s personal conviction was what he got for free, he’d give away for free; and he’d make a living some other way. It wouldn't be easy, but he’d do it.

I used to think Paul’s convictions were my convictions – that what Paul did, I had to do also. I failed miserably because I thought I could do in my own strength and understanding what Paul did as a result of his relationship to God in Christ. One of the dangerous things about the Gospel, and the accepting of it thereof, is this: only do what you are called to do: nothing more, nothing less.

That’s hard to do because as young believers, many new Christians don’t know what to do, and like small children trying to emulate their parents, they quickly realize that what mommy and daddy do is not necessarily what they are able to do. As a result they sometimes get frustrated and discouraged because they can’t do what the big people do. That’s my story as I read Paul’s writings and tried to be like Paul.

The difference between Paul and me is this: heart. Paul was fully convinced he would do everything he could to keep a distance between himself and the accusation that he only did what he did for money: just a way to make a buck. And Paul trusted God in the midst of what he chose to do…I didn't necessarily do the same: I had a heart for God but not a will (or an understanding) to go with it. Paul didn't do what he did easily but he kept at it because he knew why he did it and he trusted God fully in the choice he made and he didn't come by his choice easily.

I think the lesson for me is this: love God to the best of my ability; love people as genuinely and as care-fully as I can; and just be myself trusting God to provide whatever I need at any given moment. I do a lot better at representing God as myself than I do trying to imitate someone in the Bible whose life and circumstances were totally different than mine and whose times are two thousand years removed from me. Paul had to be Paul and I gotta be me. There’s room in the Kingdom for two of us with the same name to represent God well in each of our circumstances…

Father, today lead me to be me, and to represent You well, as me. Not garnering attention, but  offering hope to those who are looking for a better way and just haven’t realized yet: You are It. May I be comfortable in my own relationship with You and may the result of that be: I am comfortable presenting You the way You've wired me to be. You can (and will) use anybody. Thanks for using me… Amen.

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