Thursday, December 13, 2012

Advent – Day 12: The Best Place to Be

Hosea 11.1 When Israel was a youth I loved him, and out of Egypt I called My son. (NASB)

When Jesus was a toddler, His parents made a hasty departure for Egypt. Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him.” (Matthew 2.13)

Egypt was close. Egypt was civilized. Egypt was anonymity. Jesus’ dad was a carpenter not a shepherd. When you had to split in those days, you went to Egypt – what happened in Egypt stayed in Egypt. And Jesus stayed in Egypt until His parents were called home to Judah (by God) after Herod the king died. Although we’re not sure how long that was, it may have been a while that they spent there.

And Egypt is always in Scripture representative of the world and those things opposed to God. Let’s face it, Jesus parents did what they thought they should do and took the Child to where they thought He would be safe. Many people make the same decision: we’re gonna go where we feel we have to go, and we’ll stay as long as we have to stay; and we’ll make the most of it as long as we’re there…. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

The Bible is pretty quiet about Mary and Joseph’s stay there in Egypt; but “there” was still a godless society in Egypt; and a whole host of bizarre customs. I would assume Jesus played with Egyptian kids and learned some of their language. And like Israel in ancient days under Moses, God called His Child out of Egypt.

Christmas for some is a time of calling out. People sense God at Christmas in a way that they don’t seem to sense Him at other times of the year. Maybe it’s the songs about a drummer, or a midnight clear, or angels on high. Maybe it’s because Christmastime seems to soften the heart. Whatever the reason, the season has its effect and the question of God and His nearness comes around. God is calling us at this time of the year away from worldliness to Himself. We don’t help matters at all with the commercialism of Christmas – guilty, there are presently presents under our tree… - but this time of year, despite all we’ve made it, is still a time when God is more of a focus than other times of the year. And out of worldliness God is calling us.

In the flight to Egypt (in the family station wagon) Jesus didn’t have any say in the matter. Maybe you’re where you are today through circumstances that were beyond your control. God is still calling you out. Just because we’re in circumstances doesn’t mean we have to stay. God has extended His hand to us and said, Child, come home, I’ve made you free!

Whatever you’re being called from remember where you’re being called to. Freedom from one thing ought not to lead to slavery in another. God is calling us to Himself and if there was ever a place for anyone for all time to be – it’s in God: in His presence, in His friendship, in His love. In Him, your locale may remain the same, but your perspective changes immensely. God is calling you and me to lift up our heads and see that the God of glory lives and has invited us into relationship with Him. If there was any place ever to go that was worth going to: it’s there.
Do you sense God calling you? This is the perfect time to make a move in your head and heart – He’s the best place to be… You in?

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