Galatians 4.16 16 So have I become your enemy by telling
you the truth? NASB
Sometimes the truth is
inconvenient. Sometimes the truth is hard and sometimes it feels harsh. The
truth is freeing, but the process of becoming free from the overgrowth of one’s
own viewpoint, is sometimes very difficult. Many people would rather live in
the bondage of their understanding than do what it takes to be free and stay
free: freedom – they reason – is just too hard.
Truth and error both lead to an end. There is work to be
done in both truth and error. The problem often lies in the fact that error is
like conventional wisdom and because it is more commonly held its acceptability
is more embraced. In other words, because many more people accept error, it is
valued because of its broad appeal: everyone
believes that. But not everyone is right.
Why would the Letter to the Galatians be included in the
canon of the Bible? Why aren’t there just a bunch of success stories in the
Bible of people who believed and overcame life because of their belief? Why
would there be a letter from a supposed leader and evangelist sternly dealing
with a bunch of folk who were intimidated by groupspeak? Because it’s real, and
it happens all the time; the world is full of the tenets of humanity, and
sometimes the weight of those tenets is just too heavy to fight against. We’d rather die than switch…
Paul addressed the evil of what was being pushed onto the
Galatian Church: you earn your salvation by working hard for God and impressing
Him with your progress. It isn’t about what God wants – it’s about what you do.
Such is the depth of error and the arrogance of men who will not simply become
God’s friends and seek to build a relationship with Him. They don’t want a
relationship of vulnerability and risk, they want to be in control and show God
who’s boss.
And the disciples of such thinking are a dime a dozen.
They’re everywhere! The disciples of such thinking are in your church – you may
be one. Maybe God is too difficult for you to get along with. Maybe reading the
Bible is just too hard! Maybe God is gonna send you off to the Congo and you’ll
get malaria. Or maybe God is just toying with you and just when you think
everything is going to be okay, He’s gonna sucker-punch you like He did to Job.
Maybe you can work out your own salvation by just being good and keeping your
bad language and white-lies controlled… everyone tells a few whites lies – it isn’t
really lying anyway – it’s just shading the truth.
Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth? One
might think that because telling the truth – one of the greatest acts of love –
is sometimes very painful. You’ve got to
be cruel to be kind…in the right measure. Hey, even laughing hard is enough
to get someone to quit laughing.
Paul confronted error with truth and seemed not to have
received a reception with open arms. People don’t like being told the truth
especially when they’re so comfortable in error. Galatians is in the Manual under the heading of: Great Experiences
in Discipling. Sometimes when confronted by the truth a disciple turns back and
says, my former life wasn’t so bad. Let’s not do that. Let’s not fear God and what
He has planned for us. Let’s not be comfortable in fine-fitting but worthless
error… let’s not, okay?
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