Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Naked God


1 John 1.2 2 The one who gives life appeared! We saw it happen, and we are witnesses to what we have seen. Now we are telling you about this eternal life that was with the Father and appeared to us. CEV

Seen anything lately? John explained in the first part of his letter that he saw Jesus. But not just that he saw Jesus, but he saw Jesus for who He is: the eternal life. John called Him the One who gives life. John had an entirely different perspective than most people. John walked and talked with Jesus. John ate with and slept in the same place as the Lord. And John saw Him for who He was: Naked God in the flesh.

God the Father is invisible to man (see 1 Timothy 1.17). The Scripture says no man can see God and live. Well, if He’s invisible, how can we see Him? The only way to see God is through Jesus Christ. All roads lead to Jesus but only Jesus leads to the Father. The only way to witness for Him and about Him is through fellowship with Him. And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, is the exact representation of God the Father. Jesus is Naked God – God Exposed.

Now, lest I conjure up too many images in your mind about Naked God, let’s consider a few things about Nakedness and God. God is clothed in majesty and righteousness; God is loving and true. But God is invisible to us and so Jesus came as the exact representation of God in human flesh. What was invisible became visible to us pathetic blind creatures through Jesus.

Jesus is confirmed in Scripture and in history. Jesus was a real man who walked upon this real earth and lived a real life within the areas of ancient Judea and Samaria. And Jesus came insisting He was here doing what the Father had sent Him to do: be the visible representation of the Father to us humans. Jesus isn’t made real by our faith, He is real. Our faith makes Him really visible to us today as we walk in the manner He walked and obey His commands.

God can be shrouded in mystery – the Lord works in mysterious ways. They aren’t mysterious to Him, but they sure are to us since God doesn’t check in with us to see if He can get our approval to do whatever it is He’s doing. But the mystery is removed in Jesus. In Jesus we have God in the flesh showing us how to walk in a manner that is pleasing to the Father who is and remains unseen.

Nowadays, the Naked Christ is visible in the acts of His brethren – the Church. Not the buildings we call churches, but the people who meet in church buildings. The eyes and ears of Christ are His people. The hands of Christ are His people. The love of Christ is His people and we are to be sharing all of who He is and does by living our lives for Him on this earth. That is the Life of which John spoke and wrote. That is the Naked God we represent today…if… we have fellowship with Him.

My relationship with God the Father is through the Naked God, Christ the Son who is the embodiment of and the exact representation of God Almighty. Jesus came and lived as we do so that we can live and someday be where He is forever – naked and bare, whole and complete, joyful in the presence of God forever with no darkness in us at all… gimme soma dat!

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