Sunday, August 26, 2012

Which Way I Need to Go


Somewhere in 1 John 4: Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love. MSG

We all need to know the way to go – we need dreams, we need direction, we need to know right; we need to know wrong. We need to be able to handle other’s perspectives. We need to gauge what they say and be able to compare that to how they live. We need to know what is expected of us and what to avoid. We need to appreciate the smell of BS so we don’t get taken in by it…

So John opens this part of I John by saying: My dear friends, don't believe everything you hear. Carefully weigh and examine what people tell you. Not everyone who talks about God comes from God. There are a lot of lying preachers loose in the world. (1 John 1, MSG) We all need to know what’s coming at us and what the source is of such stuff.

But then he quickly moves into the subject of love and the power of love. Simply put, Biblical love – agape (ah-gah’-pay) love – is the substance of power for the life of a believer. It is what tells us whether or not we’re on the right path. And we know we’re on the right path when we know we love each other. It isn’t romantic love (or eros (eh-ross)); it isn’t brotherly love (philos); it’s love for God expressed in the acceptance of and appreciation for people no matter how stupid and selfish they are: to us and to others.

It’s not conditional acceptance but unconditional acceptance. Loving a pervert or a sex-offender might sound like a tall order but that’s the expectation of God of those in whom His love resides. None of us (underscore the word none) deserve God’s love – our lives, actions, and our words deserve hell. But God Himself loves and appreciates us for who we are and the potential we have in Him. Want to see a miracle of God? Pray for a pervert and then see the fruit of your prayer become his salvation in Jesus Christ.

And then John makes his point about our knowing which way to go: Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love.

The other day I was at work and offered assistance to a customer who rudely responded, “I know what I need!” He might’ve been having a bad day – a bad month – a bad life. His mother may have died. His tax-preparer may have called and told him there was a dreadful mistake in the accounting and he now owed a lot more than he had already payed. He may have broken up with his spouse or SO. Whatever the case, he was rude and in my mind I responded: pr#ck!

And this morning while reading this statement in 1 John, I am reminded that with thoughts like that, my life is not yet fully formed in love; and I know which direction I need to go. A quest for a fully-formed life of love is a worthy of all my effort and energy. It is a life of peace – it is a life of worthiness. It is a life that pleases God. And it tells me which way I need to go. Have Thine Own way, Lord!

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