2 Corinthians 12.6 6 For if I do wish to boast I will not be foolish, for I will be speaking the truth; but I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me. NASB
Paul understood the human inclination to embellish. He knew that even he had the tendency to color-in a little more detail to make things appear to be more. He also knew that was, in whatever small way, a deviation from the truth; or a diversion to garner attention to himself in spiritual matters. So, he said, I refrain from this, so that no one will credit me with more than he sees in me or hears from me. Paul was more afraid of that than anything because for some reason Paul knew if that was the case, he’d be diverting glory from Jesus Christ.
So, what’s the big deal!? Credibility was the big deal – Paul urged them to believe in the message of perfection in Christ spoken by one who was imperfect but who might be the cause of their not getting the message in its entirety because they wanted to see something in Paul that wasn’t there. Paul wanted to make sure their belief wasn’t based on anything but the simplicity of the message of Christ in them. Because Paul knew in the final analysis, it is only a man who stands before his God in judgment alone, not with (or through) anyone else.
That’s why Paul wouldn’t boast of heavenly things. (The implication of Vvs. 1 through 5 being himself (though carefully and purposely unnamed)). Paul said in essence, the message isn’t what I’ve seen or heard, it’s that Jesus Christ is Lord to those who accept Him and He desires to live out His life through every individual who believes in Him. Paul didn’t want to promise anything more or omit anything more from that simple message. And it isn’t a matter of some having experienced more and therefore are more special to Christ; it’s that Jesus Christ is Lord to all who will accept Him and His sufficiency to each individual isn’t to be compared with others; it’s to be celebrated by all.
Apparently the Corinthians were in some doubt about Paul and his experiences. They reasoned, or had been told, that Paul was merely boasting about things he couldn’t prove. And Paul was responding, Look guys, it isn’t about what I’ve done or seen, have or haven’t; it’s about Jesus Christ and His salvation that I even came to you in the first place. So, look at me if you want to but remember it is Christ in me that is important – nothing else! Not even heavenly visions!
Our relationship with Jesus Christ is deeply personal. But our relationship with Christ isn’t to be hoarded or worn as a merit-badge of some sort. Our relationship with Jesus is to be shared with all so that all may be blessed with friendship and fellowship with Him. Paul and all who follow after him are simply vessels from which the Lord of Glory wishes to reveal Himself. Our living in Christ and His living in us is to be proof of the reality of His presence and power even when those vessels seem unfit for that to take place.
So, for me to use my experiences to somehow wow is only a selfish act on my part to share the Lord’s glory and to diminish even in a small way, the majesty and excellency of Who He is and what He does in another’s life. Even the Lord would say, “Don’t do it Billy!” For the person who believes and receives Jesus, the wow starts now.
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